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【撒上22:2】凡受窘迫的、欠债的、心里苦恼的,都聚集到大卫那里,大卫就作他们的头目,跟随他的约有四百人。【1Sa22:2】All those who were in distress or in debt or discontented gathered around him, and he became their commander. About four hundred men were with him.

发表于 2024-08-05

大卫被膏立要做以色列的王,他战胜歌利亚之后,面临的是被扫罗追杀,在旷野逃亡。David was anointed to be the king of Israel. After defeating Goliath, he faced being hunted by Saul and had to flee into the wilderness.然而有四百人,却投奔大卫,大卫就作他们的头目。在人的眼中,这是一群乌合之众,都是受窘迫的,欠债的,心里苦恼的。神却看他们为宝贵。However, four hundred men came to David, and he became their leader. In people's eyes, they were a motley crew, all in distress, in debt, and bitter in soul. But God saw them as precious.那时天天有人来帮助大卫,以致成了大军,如神的军一样。(代上12:22) Day after day men came to help David, until he had a great army, like the army of God. (1 Chronicles 12:22)


主啊,从前,我们也活在疾病中,欠债,人际关系破裂,情绪受压制的咒诅之下,在人的眼中没有价值。在绝望之中,耶稣,万王之王,来寻找拯救我们。Lord, in the past, we too lived under curses of sickness, debt, broken relationships, and emotional oppression, without value in the eyes of people. In our despair, Jesus, the King of kings, came to seek and save us.主啊,感谢你为我舍命,担当我的罪和咒诅,救我脱离死亡,赐我新的生命,使我可以重新再活一次。我要感谢赞美你的救恩。Lord, thank You for giving Tour life for me, bearing my sins and curses, saving me from death, and giving me new life so that I can live again. I want to thank and praise You for Your salvation.


大卫是合神心意的人,被神训练成为以色列的王。D avid was a man after God's own heart, trained by God to become the king of Israel.跟随大卫的人成为神国度里记名的大能的勇士。今天万王之王做我的元帅,作我的救主!Those who followed David became mighty warriors renowned in God's kingdom. Today, the King of kings is my commander, my Saviour!主啊,你有永生之道,我还跟从谁呢?感谢你拣选我们,训练我们,塑造我们,成为神国的勇士,成为神的儿子,与耶稣一同作王,一同承受神国的产业。Lord, You have the words of eternal life; to whom else shall I go? Thank You for choosing us, training us, and shaping us to become warriors of God's kingdom, sons of God, reigning with Jesus, and inheriting God's kingdom.


主,你的救恩何等浩大!这恩召有何等的指望!主啊,让我记得自己的本相,是何等的不配!Lord, how great is Your salvation! What hope is in this calling! Lord, let me remember my true self, how unworthy I am!我要向你献上感恩,我的生命属于你,我一生要为你而活!主啊,我要赞美你!I offer my gratitude to You; my life belongs to You, and I want to live for You all my days! Lord, I praise You!你使软弱的变刚强,使哀哭的变为跳舞,使华冠代替灰尘!求你兴起更多孩子来爱你,敬拜你,与你同工,为你而去!愿你的国度降临!You make the weak strong, turn mourning into dancing, and bestow beauty for ashes! May You raise more children to love You, worship You, work with You, and go forth for You! May Your kingdom come!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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