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【撒上21:13】就在众人面前改变了寻常的举动,在他们手下假装疯癫,在城门的门扇上胡写乱画,使唾沫流在胡子上。【1 Samuel 21:13】So he pretended to be insane in their presence; and while he was in their hands he acted like a madman, making marks on the doors of the gate and letting saliva run down his beard.

发表于 2024-08-04

大卫打败巨人歌利亚,不单不被尊崇,反而被追杀,David defeated the giant Goliath, but instead of being honoured, he was hunted down. 他为了躲避扫罗,逃到迦特王亚吉那里,To avoid Saul, he fled to King Achish of Gath. 被认出之后他甚惧怕,在他们手下假装疯癫,在城门的门扇上胡写乱画,使唾沫流在胡子上。After being recognised, he was very afraid and pretended to be mad in their presence, making marks on the doors of the gate gate and letting saliva run down his beard. 他虽软弱,也犯罪,但因他认识神的救恩,向神救恩所存信心,不是靠自己,而是信神的拯救。Although he was weak and sinned, he knew God’s salvation and had faith in it. He did not rely on himself but believed in God’s salvation.


逃离迦特,大卫深知这是上帝奇妙的拯救,内心充满感恩,After escaping from Gath, David knew this was God's wonderful salvation, and his heart was full of gratitude. 他提笔写下诗篇三十四,颂赞神的美善,呼吁众人与他一同高举他的名。“我要时时称颂耶和华,赞美他的话必常在我口中。” He wrote Psalm 34, praising God's goodness and calling on everyone to lift up His name with him. "I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips." 他立志持续不断地称颂上帝,感谢神应允了他的呼求,救他脱离了患难。He was determined to continue praising God and thanking Him for answering his call and saving him from trouble.


主啊,求你开我瞎子的眼睛,有属灵的见识,Lord, please open my blind eyes, grant me spiritual insight, 效仿大卫宁可自己吃亏,也不愿以恶报恶,宁可逃亡、装疯也不杀害神的受膏者。and help me follow David's example of preferring to suffer losses rather than repaying evil with evil, and preferring to flee and pretend to be mad rather than kill God’s anointed. 他如此相信你的美善,凡事你掌权,He believed so much in Your goodness. You are in control of everything.环境的艰险、不易,多少次生命处在危险中,都是有惊无险,No matter how difficult the circumstances were and how many times his life was in danger, he was safe.大卫一次次得到上帝的拯救看顾和保守,虽经历了暴风雨,却在神的爱里福杯满溢。David was saved, cared for, and protected by God again and again. Although he experienced storms, he was filled with blessings in God’s love.


是的,我们当称耶和华为大,时时高举祂的名。Yes, we should call the Lord great and always exalt His name. 愿意为义而受苦,把爱活在伤口。Be willing to suffer for righteousness and live out love amidst the wounds.相信神的信实、神的拯救、神的美善,将自己里面的忧心、迷茫、彷徨、委屈、惧怕、统统与主同钉十字架。Believe in God’s faithfulness, salvation, and goodness, and crucify all worries, confusion, hesitation, grievances, and fears within yourself with the Lord. 宣告并相信,你靠近伤心人,拯救灵性痛悔的人 ,Declare and believe that You are close to the broken-hearted and save those who are spiritually repentant. 一切的逆境都是为了训练我们来投靠你,饱尝你的美善,建立与你亲密的关系,进入命定,与主同行。All adversities are to train us to rely on You, taste Your goodness, establish a close relationship with You, enter our destiny, and walk with the Lord.(郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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