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【撒上 20:23 】至于你我今日所说的话,有耶和华在你我中间为证,直到永远。 【1Sa20:23】And about the matter you and I discussed—remember, the LORD is witness between you and me forever.”

发表于 2024-08-02

扫罗几次要杀大卫,并未成功。Saul attempted multiple times to kill David, but he was unsuccessful. 扫罗的儿子约拿单深知神掌权,大卫必要作以色列的王。Jonathan, Saul's son, recognized God's sovereignty and knew that David was destined to be the king of Israel. 他没有仇恨、嫉妒,反而看重大卫的性命,帮助大卫。Rather than harboring hatred or jealousy, Jonathan valued David's life and helped him. 大卫和约拿单一起祷告交托神,彼此信任,彼此立约,起誓。因他们都活在神面前,相信有耶和华在他们中间为证,直到永远。 David and Jonathan prayed together, entrusted their fate to God, and made a covenant with each other. They trusted each other and made oaths because they lived before God, believing that the Lord was a witness between them forever.  他们因信神成为守约的人。  Through their faith in God, they became people who kept their covenant.

是的,你我今日一切所说的话,神都监察。无论我们行走,躺卧,醒着,睡着,我们暗中所行的,所思所想的,神都知道。Yes, everything we say today is overseen by God. Whether we are walking, lying down, awake, or asleep, God knows our hidden actions and thoughts. 万物在创造我们的神面前,都是赤露敞开的。我失信于人,或人失信于我,有耶和华在我们中间为证。Everything is exposed before our Creator. If I break faith with others, or they with me, the Lord is our witness. 神必按着公义施行审判。主,我没有审判的权利,我也面临你的审判。God will judge with righteousness. Lord, I have no right to judge, and I also face your judgment.

主啊,多少次,我失信于你,你却永远信实。Lord, how many times have I been unfaithful to you, yet you remain eternally faithful. 当我被圣灵感动,每一次与你所立的约,每一次的祷告和献上自己,都记在你的心上。When I am moved by the Holy Spirit, each covenant I make with you, each prayer, and each self-offering are remembered by you. 当我顺从心中的论断,不服,悖逆,骄傲…为罪受苦,被撒但欺压,你为我而忧伤。When I follow my own judgments, remain unyielding, rebellious, and proud, I suffer for my sins and am oppressed by Satan, and you grieve for me. 圣灵,求你时时来审判我的老自己,使我敬畏你,免得在永恒里失去赏赐。 Holy Spirit, I ask you to constantly judge my old self so that I may fear you and not lose my reward in eternity.

主,感谢你成为我们的中保。感谢你赐下圣灵,光照我们的罪,领我们悔改。Lord, thank you for being our mediator. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to illuminate our sins and lead us to repentance. 主,你活着,从未离开我。因你先爱了我,为我舍命,我也要来爱你,遵行你的命令。Lord, you live and have never left me. Because you first loved me and gave your life for me, I want to love you and follow your commandments. 你是我的磐石,我的救赎主,愿我心里意念,口中的言语,在你面前蒙悦纳。You are my rock and my redeemer. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing in your sight.  主啊,掌管我们活在你的面前,成为你荣耀的见证!Lord, may we live before you as witnesses to your glory!  (付传道Pastor Fu)


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