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【撒上19:8】此后又有争战的事。大卫出去与非利士人打仗,大大杀败他们,他们就在他面前逃跑。【1Sa19:8】Once more war broke out, and David went out and fought the Philistines. He struck them with such force that they fled before him.

发表于 2024-08-01

大卫战胜歌利亚得胜之后,赢来的不是拥护,而是更甚的逼迫,属血气的逼迫属灵的,大卫和扫罗不同的选择带来不同的结局,After David triumphed over Goliath, he faced not support but even greater persecution. The carnal persecuted the spiritual. The different choices made by David and Saul led to different outcomes.扫罗因嫉妒要杀大卫,扫罗对他儿子约拿单和众臣仆说要杀大卫;大卫却把爱活在伤口,以爱胜恶,Out of jealousy, Saul wanted to kill David. He told his son Jonathan and all his servants that they should kill David. But David responded to harm with love, overcoming evil with good.当大卫立下战功,杀败非利士人,扫罗因嫉妒引恶魔上身,大卫就用手弹琴为他驱魔。When David achieved victory and defeated the Philistines, Saul, out of jealousy, was possessed by an evil spirit. David played the harp to drive away the evil spirit from Saul.


神膏了大卫成为新王,一步一步把他带入水深火热的试炼之中,又兴起争战的事,大卫出去与非利士人打仗,大大杀败他们,他们就在他面前逃跑。God anointed David to be the new king and gradually led him through intense trials and battles. David went out to fight the Philistines, defeated them greatly, and they fled before him.万事互相效力,使爱神的人得益处。All things work together for the good of those who love God.大卫杀败敌人,扫罗因嫉恨,用枪要刺透大卫,神却保护了他,一切惹事的根都在乎神,为要训练大卫更有王的性情。As David defeated his enemies, Saul, driven by jealousy, tried to pin David to the wall with his spear, but God protected him. The root of trouble lies in God to train David to have more kingly qualities.


圣灵参透万事,当人面临成功的时候是很容易迷失方向,大卫在每一次的得胜之后,神都再次赐下考试,使他的生命成为完全。Holy Spirit understands all things. When people face success, it is easy to lose direction. After every victory, God tested David again to perfect his life.主啊,如今你何尝不是如此的在训练你国度有能力的工人呢,属灵争战是何等的残酷,若不警醒祷告就入了迷惑,The Lord, aren’t You training capable workers for Your kingdom in the same way today? Spiritual warfare is extremely brutal, and without vigilant prayer, one can be deceived.这一分钟的得胜不代表下一分钟的得胜,只要不住到主里,就全军覆没,惟有住到主里就刚强壮胆。Victory in one moment does not guarantee victory in the next. Only by remaining in the Lord can we stand strong; otherwise, we face complete defeat.


生死祸福两条路摆在我们的面前,就看我们的选择,Life and death, blessings and curses are laid before us; it is up to our choices.主啊,敬畏你是我们做人当尽的本分,真相信在你一切所行的,无不公义,所做的都有慈爱。Lord, fearing You is our duty as humans. Truly believing that You are righteous in all Your ways and faithful in all You do.你兴起争战,每次的打击,都是与我们有益,训练我们的生命更像你,大卫被训练后得到你最佳的称许,他是合神心意的人。Every battle You allow benefits us, training our lives to be more like You. After his training, David received the highest praise from You: he was a man after God's own heart.主啊,榜样就在眼前,求主提升我们属灵的智慧,得着见识与你同行,被你称许。Lord, the example is before us. Please enhance our spiritual wisdom so that we may gain insight, walk with You, and be approved by You.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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