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【撒上18:14】大卫做事无不精明,耶和华也与他同在。【1Sa 18:14】In everything he did he had great success, because the Lord was with him.

发表于 2024-07-31

英文说大卫做事无不成功,因为耶和华与他同在。大卫有神的同在,处处经历神,有神为他做见证。The Bible says that David succeeded in everything he did because the Lord was with him. David had God’s presence, experienced God everywhere, and had God testifying for him.众百姓和扫罗的臣仆也都看到神的大能作为,知道神与大卫同在,因此都喜悦大卫。连扫罗也知道神与大卫同在。扫罗活在惧怕,恼恨,嫉妒中,却没有思想为什么神离开了自己。All the people and Saul's servants also saw God's mighty deeds and knew that God was with David, so they were pleased with David. Even Saul knew God was with David. Saul lived in fear, anger, and jealousy, but he did not think about why God had left him.


人凭自己岂能在一切事上亨通顺利?原来大卫敬畏神,信靠神,凡事寻求神,听从神。行在神的旨意里,就无不亨通!神的旨意无人能拦阻,必要成就。How can a man prosper in everything by himself? It turns out that David feared God, trusted God, sought God in everything, and obeyed God. If you walk in the will of God, everything will prosper! No one can stop God’s will, and it will be accomplished.从旧约到新约,神不断地说:我必与你同在!我们真实经历了神的同在,才知道所信的是又真又活的神!From the Old Testament to the New Testament, God keeps saying: I will be with you! Only after we have truly experienced the presence of God can we know that the God we believe in is the true and living God!


主,你何等愿意与我们同在。谢谢你道成肉身来到地上,不凭着自己说话行事,乃是住在父里面,父怎么吩咐就怎么行。Lord, how willing You are to be with us. Thank you for coming to earth in the flesh. You do not speak or act on your own. Instead, you abide in the Father and do whatever the Father commands.你时时彰显神的权能和荣耀,使人看到你就看到了父。祂顺服至死,却从死里复活,赐下圣灵永远与我们同在。我们是枝子,唯有连与你这葡萄树,才能结果子。You always demonstrate the power and glory of God, so that when people see You, they see the Father. He became obedient to death, rose from the dead, and gave the Holy Spirit to be with us forever. We are branches, and only when we are connected to You, the vine, can we bear fruit.


主啊,离了你,我们就不能做什么。求你赦免我靠自己,用做事证明自己,结果却是一团糟。圣洁公义的救主,不能与罪恶同居,你与遵行你命令的人同在!Lord, apart from You, we can do nothing. Please forgive me for relying on myself and doing things to prove myself, but the result was a mess. Holy and righteous Saviour, You cannot live with sin. You are with those who obey Your commands!求圣灵断开我里面判断善恶,做事的律,心中尊主为大,信而听从圣灵的引导,成为你合用的器皿,成就神国的旨意和计划!I ask the Holy Spirit to break the laws of judging good and evil and doing things in me. I will magnify the Lord in my heart, believe and obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and become a vessel suitable for You to fulfil the will and plan of the Kingdom of God! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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