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【撒上17:37】大卫又说:“耶和华救我脱离狮子和熊的爪,也必救我脱离这非利士人的手。”扫罗对大卫说:“你可以去吧!耶和华必与你同在。” 1Sam 17:37, David said, “The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.” Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.”

发表于 2024-07-28

歌利亚向以色列军挑战,军兵都惊恐害怕,大卫爱主,为主的名自告奋勇去迎战。Goliath challenged the Israelite army, and the soldiers were terrified, but David loved the Lord and volunteered to fight in His name. 扫罗对大卫说:“你不能去与那非利士人战斗,因为你年纪太轻,他自幼就作战士。” Saul said to David, You cannot go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a boy, and he has been a fighting man from his youth. 大卫回答扫罗说:“你仆人为父亲放羊,有时来了狮子,有时来了熊,从群中衔一只羊羔去,我就追赶它,击打它,将羊羔从它口中救出来…” David answered Saul, Your servant has been keeping his father's sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, I went after it, struck it, and rescued the sheep from its mouth..." 大卫又说:“耶和华救我脱离狮子和熊的爪,也必救我脱离这非利士人的手。”  David said again, The Lord who delivered me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine.”

大卫没有因着扫罗说的话感到害怕而退后,反而因着自己的信心影响了扫罗, David did not retreat in fear because of what Saul said but instead influenced Saul with his faith. 扫罗对大卫说:“你可以去吧!耶和华必与你同在。” Saul said to David, Go, and the Lord be with you. 大卫并没有夸自己的势力和才能,他深知是耶和华救他脱离狮子和熊的爪,也深信如今必救他脱离这非利士人歌利亚的手。David did not boast about his own strength and ability. He knew that it was the Lord who had delivered him from the paws of the lion and the bear, and he was confident that the Lord would now deliver him from the hand of the Philistine, Goliath.  大卫信靠主,主便引导大卫,用机弦甩出去的石子击中巨人歌利亚并战胜了他。David trusted in the Lord, and the Lord guided David to strike the giant Goliath with a stone thrown from a sling, defeating him.


主啊,我们心中有很多无法跨越的巨人歌利亚,面临很多凶险的环境,你都知道,Lord, we face many giants in our hearts that we cannot overcome, and we encounter many dangerous situations, all of which you know. 借着大卫的信来鼓励我们,只要信,不要怕,神必救我们脱离一切的凶恶, You encourage us through David's faith. As long as we believe and do not fear, God will save us from all evil. 因患难是化了妆的祝福,更是神的智慧,训练装备我们的生命更像祂,进入神的国,与祂的荣耀有份,For adversity is a blessing in disguise; it is also God's wisdom, training, and equipping our lives to be more like Him, to enter the kingdom of God, and to share in His glory. 因神的慈爱比生命更美好,信就必看见神的荣耀。Because God's love is better than life, we will see God's glory if we believe.



阿们!是的,战胜巨人的恩膏,已经从天上降下来了,Amen! Yes, the anointing to defeat giants has come down from heaven. 使我们看重生命中的每一个考试,不以这日的事为小, Please help us value every test in our lives and not take the matters of this day lightly. 洁净自己,背起自己的十字架,爱神不爱自己,把神放在第一位,只为荣耀你的名,让你的名被高举,Let us cleanse ourselves, carry our own crosses, love God instead of ourselves, put God first, and seek only to glorify your name and let your name be exalted. 你必在敌人面前为我们摆设筵席,击败我们心中的歌利亚,也必救我们非利士人的手,You will prepare a feast for us in the presence of our enemies, defeat the Goliath in our hearts, and save us from the hands of the Philistines. 我们靠主刚强壮胆,凭信心向前行。We are willing to be strong and courageous in the Lord and move forward with faith. (郭姊妹 Sister Guo)


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