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【撒上16:7】耶和华却对撒母耳说:“不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为耶和华不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和华是看内心。”【1Sa 16:7】But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”

发表于 2024-07-25

神吩咐撒母耳去膏耶和华要立的新王,当撒母耳去到耶西家看到以利押,心里说,耶和华的受膏者必定在他面前,God told Samuel to anoint the new king that the Lord would establish. God told Samuel to anoint the new king that the Lord would establish. When Samuel went to Jesse’s house and saw Eliab, he thought, “Surely the Lord’s anointed stands here before the Lord.” 神却告诉他,不要看他的外貌和他身材高大,我不拣选他。因为耶和华不像人看人,人是看外貌,耶和华是看内心。But God told him, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. "The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. 撒母耳被神纠正提醒后就专心听神的声音,直到见到大卫,耶和华说,就是他,撒母耳就在他诸兄中膏了他。After being corrected and reminded by God, Samuel listened intently to God’s voice until he saw David, whom the Lord said was the one. Samuel anointed him among his brothers.


神的意念高过人的意念,神的看法与人的看法是迥然不同的。人往往看人的外貌,耶和华才是看人的内心,神最看重的就是人的心。God’s thoughts are higher than human thoughts, and God’s views are completely different from human views. People often look at others’ appearances, but Jehovah looks at their hearts. What God values most is people’s hearts.大卫有一颗敬畏神的心,顺服神所赐的环境,不会因着亲人对他的轻看而放弃托付,反而在托付上忠心。David had a God-fearing heart and obeyed the circumstances given by God. He did not give up on his trust even when his relatives looked down on him. Instead, he remained loyal to his trust.人不知道,但神已经看见,祂察看人的肺腑心肠,祂的眼目遍察全地,要显大能帮助向祂心存诚实的人。People may not notice, but God sees everything. He looks into people's hearts, and His eyes run all over the earth to show His power and help those who have an honest heart towards Him.


经上说,若有人爱神,这人乃是神所知道的。The Bible says that if anyone loves God, this person is known to God.主啊,你是何等信实的主,愿你感动大卫的灵加倍的感动我,使我也能在被人轻看和被忘记的时候,心仍然定睛在你身上,单单倚靠你,看重和你的关系,不再把自己交给人,得人前的虚荣、面子、自尊、肯定……Lord, you are such a faithful Lord. May your spirit of David move upon me twice as much, so that even when I am despised and forgotten, my heart can still be fixed on you, relying on you alone, valuing our relationship. May I no longer give myself over to others to gain vanity, face, self-esteem, and recognition from others…… 这些都是何等虚妄,必站立不住,满身伤痕与神隔绝。These are all so vain; they will not stand and will leave you covered in scars and separated from God.


惟有尊主为大,单单以敬畏神为乐,行审判不凭眼见,断事非不凭耳闻。求主赦免我常常以貌取人,信了世界的价值观,得罪神也得罪人,But magnify the Lord, take pleasure only in the fear of God, judge not by what you see with your eyes, nor by what you hear with your ears. Please forgive me for often judging people by their appearance, believing in the world’s values, offending God and offending people.我岂知好知歹呢,惟有耶和华衡量人心。主啊,你是一切的真理,真理使我们得自由,主圣灵,求你帮助我们敬虔度日,自洁、恨恶罪、听道行道,愿我们口中的言语和心中的意念都蒙你的悦纳。How could I know what is good and what is evil? Only the Lord weighs people’s hearts. Lord, you are all truth, and truth makes us free. Lord Holy Spirit, please help us live a godly life, purify ourselves, hate sin, hear and do the word. May the words of our mouths and the thoughts of our hearts be accepted by you. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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