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【撒上15:29】以色列的大能者必不至说谎,也不至后悔。因为他迥非世人,决不后悔。【1Sa 15:29】He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind; for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind.”

发表于 2024-07-24

神说:我立扫罗为王,我后悔了,因为他转去不跟从我,不遵守我的命令(11节)。God said “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions.(Ver 11) ”这里却说:以色列的大能者必不至说谎,也不至后悔。是否矛盾呢?神的话安定在天,决不徒然返回。But it is said: The Glory of Israel does not  lie or change His mind. Is this a contradiction? God’s word is settled in heaven and will never return void.祂的话怎么说,就必怎么成就。祂必要在全地之中成就祂所定规的结局。他非世人,决不后悔,必不说谎。Whatever He says will come true. He will accomplish the outcome He has decreed throughout the entire earth. He is not a man of the world; He will never regret, and He will never lie.


当神拣选扫罗做王时,祂已经知道扫罗会失败,并非是错误的决定。因着神的怜悯和恩典,神仍然给扫罗机会。但是扫罗体贴肉体,惧怕人,忘了神才是真正的王,神废王立王。When God chose Saul to be king, He already knew Saul would fail; it was not a mistake. Because of God's mercy and grace, He still gave Saul a chance. However, Saul was carnally minded, feared people, and forgot that God is the true King. God deposes kings and raises up kings. 神掌管一切,却给人自由意志。神必不背乎祂的圣洁公义。扫罗成为失败的,属肉体的神子民的代表。神因着扫罗而心里忧伤。God is in control of everything, yet He gives people free will. God will not go against His holiness and righteousness. Saul became the representative of the failed, carnal people of God. God was grieved because of Saul.


神的本性从亘古到永远,决不更改。纵然人犯罪背叛祂,祂不后悔创造我们。纵然人会杀了神子耶稣,不信耶稣的救恩,耶稣从未后悔为我们舍弃生命。God's nature is unchanging from everlasting to everlasting. Even though people sin and rebel against Him, He does not regret creating us. Even though people would kill His Son Jesus and reject the salvation Jesus offers, Jesus never regretted sacrificing His life for us. 纵然我们背逆离弃祂,圣灵会忧伤,祂却不后悔住在我们里面!主,你的选召和恩赐是没有后悔的。我怎能继续活在罪中,使你的心伤痛呢?Even though we rebel and turn away from Him, the Holy Spirit may be grieved, but He does not regret dwelling within us! Lord, Your calling and gifts are without repentance. How can I continue to live in sin and cause Your heart to be grieved?


主啊,感谢你的爱和管教,谢谢你给我们机会悔改。我们转向你,你就转向我们。靠自己必败,靠着耶稣必得胜!纵然人会失败,神的旨意与计划永不失败!Lord, thank You for Your love and discipline. Thank You for giving us the opportunity to repent. When we turn to You, You turn to us. Relying on ourselves, we will surely fail, but relying on Jesus, we will surely be victorious! Even though people may fail, God's will and plan never fail! 以色列的大能者必不至说谎,也不至后悔!阿们!君王从犹大支派而出!基督必作王直到永远!主,你是万王之王,万国万民必要来尊崇你!The Glory of Israel does not  lie or change His mind. Amen! The King shall come from the tribe of Judah! Christ will reign forever! Lord, You are the King of kings, and all nations and peoples will come to honor You! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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