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【撒上15:23】悖逆的罪与行邪术的罪相等;顽梗的罪与拜虚神和偶像的罪相同。你既厌弃耶和华的命令,耶和华也厌弃你作王。”【1Sa‬15:23】For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, he has rejected you as king.”

发表于 2024-07-23

神藉先知撒母耳告诉扫罗,去击打亚玛力人,灭尽他们所有,不可怜惜他们,将男女、孩童、吃奶的、并牛、羊、骆驼和驴,尽都杀死,Samuel, the prophet of God, told Saul to go and attack the Amalekites, to destroy everything they had, and not to spare anyone, including men, women, children, infants, and even cattle, sheep, camels, and donkeys.在这个考试中,扫罗失败了,他们违背了神的心意,因他们怜惜、爱惜上好的,留下神所不喜悦的…扫罗因悖逆不听从神的命令,厌弃神的命令,神也厌弃他作王。In this test, Saul failed. He disobeyed God's will by sparing and valuing the best of what God had commanded to be destroyed. Because Saul rejected and disobeyed God's command, God rejected him as king.


圣洁的主,是轻慢不得的,藐视神的,他必被轻视。The Holy Lord cannot be mocked. Those who despise God will be despised.扫罗的事件让我们学习功课,不顺服神的命令就是悖逆神,悖逆神的后果是很严重的,是与行邪术的罪相等,行邪术的女人不可容她存活(出22:18),Saul's example teaches us that disobeying God's commands is rebellion against God, and the consequences of such rebellion are severe. Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and a sorceress should not be allowed to live (Exodus 22:18).祂是照祂的话来行事的,神的话怎么说就必怎么成就,最后扫罗因信自己,拜自己,不拜神,不遵行神的道,不敬畏神,被神厌弃,自毁前程。God acts according to His word, and what He says will come to pass. Saul trusted in himself, worshipped himself instead of God, did not follow God's way, and did not fear God. As a result, he was rejected by God and ruined his own future.


主啊,既有这前车之鉴,求主带领我谨记这教训,悔改,不再走扫罗的路,Lord, since we have this example, I pray that You lead me to remember this lesson, to repent, and not to follow Saul's path.很多时候我信了谎言,信了自己里面的声音,行了自己眼中看为正的路,却不晓得是死亡之路,Many times I have believed lies, trusted my own inner voice, and acted according to what seemed right in my own eyes, not realising it was a path to death.主啊,感谢你让我看到扫罗的结局,此时我转道,并离弃这悖逆顽梗的道路,不再对你的命令充耳不闻,而是要将神的话深深的刻在心版上,专心听从且要谨守遵行到底。Lord, thank You for showing me Saul's end. I now turn away and abandon this path of rebellion and stubbornness. I will no longer ignore Your commands but will deeply engrave Your words on my heart, wholeheartedly obey, and carefully follow them to the end.


爱你所爱,恨你所恨,不再让圣灵担忧,Love what You love, hate what You hate, and do not grieve the Holy Spirit any longer.听命胜于献祭,看重神的关系胜于一切,顺服你才是我们人生蒙福的开始,才有生命的平安围绕着我们。To obey is better than sacrifice, valuing a relationship with God above all else. Obeying You is the beginning of our blessed life, surrounded by the peace of life.主啊,我们的生命是你用重价宝血买赎回来,理当每天以敬畏神为乐,否定自己,专心仰望倚靠耶和华,不倚靠自己的聪明,在一切的所行的事上都要认定你,你怎么吩咐我们怎么行,经历神迹奇事,活出我们的信仰荣耀主名。Lord, our lives were bought with the precious blood of Jesus, so we should daily delight in fearing God, deny ourselves. Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and lean not on our own understanding; in all our ways submit to You. Follow Your commands and experience miracles, living out our faith to glorify Your name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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