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【撒上15:22 】撒母耳说:耶和华喜悦燔祭和平安祭,岂如喜悦人听从他的话呢?听命胜于献祭;顺从胜于公羊的脂油。【1Sa 15:22】“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord?To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

发表于 2024-07-22

撒母耳嘱咐扫罗要听耶和华的话,要把亚玛力的一切所有灭绝净尽。扫罗却留下了亚玛力王和上等的牛羊,并要把牛羊献给耶和华为祭物。Samuel told Saul to listen to the word of the Lord and to destroy all that belonged to Amalek. But Saul left behind the Amalekite king and the best of the cattle and sheep, and wanted to offer the cattle and sheep as sacrifices to the Lord.扫罗还说我实在遵行了耶和华的命令。何等的蒙蔽呢!扫罗再次失败了,也没有真心悔改。扫罗的辩解不能改变神做事的法则,神厌弃扫罗作王。Saul also said that he had truly obeyed the Lord’s command. What a deception! Saul failed again and did not truly repent. Saul's excuse could not change God's law of doing things, and God rejected Saul as king.


神要什么呢?万有都是神的,神岂喜悦牛羊的祭物呢?听命胜于献祭,顺从胜于公羊的脂油。耶稣顺服至死,且死在十字架上,却从死里复活,天上地上的权柄都归给他了!What does God want? All things belong to God, but does God take pleasure in the sacrifices of cattle and sheep? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams. Jesus was obedient to the point of death, even death on the cross, but was resurrected from the dead, and all authority in heaven and on earth was given to Him!主啊,燔祭和赎罪祭,是你不喜欢的,我来了,为要照你的旨意行。不是顺服一部分,是百分百的顺服你的旨意。Lord, burnt offerings and sin offerings did not please you. I have come to do your will. It’s not about submitting to a part of it, it’s about submitting to your will 100%.


当我照着自己以为对和好的去行,甚至在教会中参与服事,打着爱神的旗号,不是在信耶稣,是在信自己,信谎言…自己落在咒诅之中,还抱怨神不公平…When I act according to what I think is right and participate in services in the church under the banner of loving God, I am not believing in Jesus but believing in myself and in lies. I fall into the curse and still complain that God is unfair.主,你实在是公义的!求你赦免我,在错误的动机里,想用手所做的证明自己,高举自己,却在自己作神,不信,悖逆,与神为仇…Lord, You are indeed righteous! Please forgive me for using my wrong motives to prove myself and exalt myself with what I have done with my hands. Instead, I am acting as a god to myself—unbelieving, disobedient, and in enmity against God.


主,你的儿女照真理行,你的喜乐没有比这个更大的。圣灵,求你掌管我,停住自己的判断善恶,定意与里面的旧思想,旧观念和坚固的营垒争战,Lord, there is no greater joy for you than when your children walk according to the truth. Holy Spirit, please take control of me, stop my judgment of good and evil, and help me to fight against the old thoughts, old concepts, and strongholds within me.使我将你的话存记心中,环境中因信否定自己,寻求你的旨意,顺服圣灵的引导,操练行饶恕、爱神、爱人的道,成为你的器皿,见证你更新生命的大能。Help me to keep your words in my heart, deny myself by faith in every situation, and seek your will. May I obey the guidance of the Holy Spirit, practice the way of forgiveness, love God, and love others, become your vessel, and witness your power to renew life. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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