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【撒上15:1】撒母耳对扫罗说:“耶和华差遣我膏你为王,治理他的百姓以色列,所以你当听从耶和华的话。”[1 Samuel 15:1] Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you king over his people Israel; so listen now to the message from the Lord.”

发表于 2024-07-21

撒母耳对扫罗说话,是让扫罗知道耶和华才是真正的王。Samuel spoke to Saul to let him know that the Lord was the real king. 上帝将祂的百姓托付给扫罗来治理,扫罗理当听从上帝的话。God entrusted His people to Saul to rule, so Saul should obey God’s words. 其实不仅是扫罗当听从,我们每一个人都应当听从神的话,因为惟有耶和华是神,万有都本于他,倚靠他,归于他。In fact, not only should Saul obey, but each of us should obey God’s words, because only the Lord is God, and all things come from Him, through Him, and to Him. 因此,尊神为王,听从神的话是我们人当尽的本分。Therefore, honour God as king and obey God’s words. It is the duty we humans should fulfil.


神拣选扫罗为王,也赐下考试,试验扫罗的心是否尊神为大,是否听从祂的话。God chose Saul to be king and also tested whether he honoured God and obeyed His words. 可惜扫罗在两次考试中都失败了。Unfortunately, Saul failed both tests. 第一次考试,是神差来非利士人为工具,结果显明扫罗是属血气的,他信自己而不信靠神,扫罗失败了;In the first test, God sent the Philistines as tools. The result showed that Saul was fleshly. He trusted himself instead of God, so Saul failed; 第二次的考试,是神吩咐扫罗灭尽亚玛力人,扫罗没有顺服神,又一次以失败告终。In the second test, God commanded Saul to destroy the Amalekites. Saul did not obey God and failed again. 圣灵参透万事,神拣选扫罗时就知道他会不听从神,但神满有怜悯仍然给他机会回转。The Holy Spirit understands everything. When God chose Saul, He knew that he would not obey God, but God is full of mercy and still gave him a chance to turn back.


是的,认识自己是谁,认识神是谁,是何等的重要。Yes, it is so important to know who we are and who God is. 我们本是至小、是灰尘,极渺小卑微,神却赐下宏恩,舍了祂的独生爱子,把我们从罪恶当中拯救出来,让我们有永活的盼望。We are small dust, extremely insignificant and humble, but God has given us great grace and gave up His only beloved Son to save us from sin and give us the hope of eternal life. 神又指示我们走正路,使我们脱离咒诅,进入祝福。God also guides us to walk the right path so that we can escape curses and enter blessings. 求主赦免我们的悖逆、信自己、骄傲自高、忘本、与神为仇,常常弃绝神的话,忽视神的爱,偏行己路,但神仍然顾念,永不放弃爱我们。May the Lord forgive our rebellion, self-trust, pride, forgetfulness, enmity with God, and often rejecting God's words, ignoring God's love, and going our own way, but God still cares for us. God remember us, His love is unfailing.


天父,感谢你赐我们宝贵救恩,将我们救活,如今,我们将生命献给你。Our Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us precious salvation and resurrecting us. Now, we dedicate our lives to you.求你膏我们,成为神国有用的器皿,成为祝福他人的管道。Please anoint us to become useful vessels of the Kingdom of God and channels of blessing to others. 使我们尊神为大,爱神不爱自己,谦卑顺服听从你的话。May we honour God, love God rather than ourselves, and be humble and obedient to your words. 你是我们的主,你是教会的主,你是家庭的主,你是每一件事情的主,我们理当要听命于你,完全信靠你,完全顺服你,因为凡被神的灵引导的,都是神的儿子。You are our Lord, the Lord of the church, the Lord of the family, and the Lord of everything. We should obey you, trust you completely, and obey you completely, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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