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【撒上14:37】扫罗求问神说:“我下去追赶非利士人可以不可以?你将他们交在以色列人手里不交?”这日神没有回答他。[1 Samuel 14:37] So Saul asked God, “Shall I go down and pursue the Philistines? Will you give them into Israel’s hand?” But God did not answer him that day.

发表于 2024-07-19

绝境之中,因着约拿单对神的信靠,神使以色列人得胜。In a desperate situation, because of Jonathan's trust in God, God allowed the Israelites to prevail. 扫罗却凭着自己血气,要求百姓起誓,不吃食物去杀敌;又让祭司把约柜抬来;又要求百姓夜里追赶非利士人…However, acting on his own flesh and blood, Saul required the people to swear an oath and not eat food to kill the enemy; he also asked the priests to carry the ark of the covenant, and he asked the people to chase the Philistines at night... 在这一切事上,扫罗没有想起求问神。祭司提醒扫罗:我们当先亲近神。扫罗求问神,神却没有回答。In all these things, Saul did not think of asking God. The priest reminded Saul: We must first draw close to God. Saul asked God, but God did not answer.

神不说话,扫罗知道有罪的拦阻,却没有认识到自己的不信、妄行,也没有真实悔改,God did not speak, and Saul was aware of the obstruction of sin, but he did not realise his unbelief and reckless behaviour, nor did he truly repent. 失去了与神建立亲密关系的机会,最后被厌弃作王。He lost the opportunity to establish an intimate relationship with God, and was eventually rejected as king. 主应许:专心寻求,就必寻见。The Lord promises: Seek me with all your heart and you will find me. 经上又说:我若心里注重罪孽,主必不听(诗66:18)。If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened (Psalm 66:18). 转耳不听律法的,他的祈祷也为可憎(箴28:9)。神照他的话语行事。If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable(Proverbs 28:9). God acts according to His Word.

主,求你赦免我,带着拜偶像的心,只想解决问题。Lord, please forgive me for having an idolatrous heart that only wanted to solve the problem. 祷告没有得着回应时,抱怨神,不信,急躁,自己行动,结果落在咒诅和网罗中。When my prayers are not answered, I complain about You, do not believe, am impatient, and act on my own, ending up falling into curses and snares. 我当求圣灵光照,是否有什么罪拦阻了你的旨意显明?I should ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me. Are there any sins that hinder the manifestation of Your will? 每一次当我悔改转向你,认定你,专心寻求你,你没有一次耽延不说话。Every time I repented and turned to You, acknowledged You, and sought You with all my heart, You never failed to speak. 主,你既向我侧耳,我一生要求告你。Lord, because You have turned Your ear to me, I will call on You as long as I live. 

主啊,你是教会的元首!你是我们的元帅,我们当听从你。 Lord, You are the head of the church! You are our commander, and we must obey You. 主啊,求你兴起我们成为祷告的大军,堵上破口,照着你的旨意祈求,凭着信心,在忍耐等候中,不停止为万国万民祈求争战。你必回应。 Lord, please raise us up to be an army of prayer, to plug the gaps, pray according to Your will, rely on faith, and wait patiently, never stopping praying and fighting for all nations and peoples. You will respond. 主,求你赐下祷告的火,使我们的呼求不歇息,使你作工也不歇息,直到你的国度降临,你的旨意成就在全地中。Lord, please give us the fire of prayer so that our cries will never rest and Your work will never rest until Your kingdom comes and Your will is accomplished throughout the earth. (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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