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【撒上14:6】约拿单对拿兵器的少年人说:“我们不如过到未受割礼人的防营那里去,或者耶和华为我们施展能力,因为耶和华使人得胜,不在乎人多人少。”【1Sa‬14:6】Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”

发表于 2024-07-18

危机时刻,约拿单没有选择自保,没有退缩,而是靠主勇往直前。In times of crisis, Jonathan did not choose self-preservation or retreat, but courageously moved forward by relying on the Lord.约拿单因着对神的信靠,和拿兵器的少年人一同去击杀非利士人。Because of his faith in God, Jonathan, along with his young armour-bearer, went to attack the Philistines.因着信,就必看见神的荣耀,神使地震动,敌军战兢,四围逃窜;非利士人大大惊惶互相击杀,耶和华使以色列人得胜。By faith, they witnessed the glory of God. God caused the earth to quake, the enemy troops to tremble and flee in all directions. The Philistines were greatly terrified and killed each other. The Lord granted victory to Israel.正如约拿单所说,耶和华为我们施展能力;因为耶和华使人得胜,不在乎人多人少。As Jonathan said, “Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”


约拿单坚定地倚靠耶和华,耶和华就保守他十分平安并得胜。经上说,因我们行事为人,是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见。Jonathan firmly relied on the Lord, and the Lord kept him in perfect peace and victory. The Scripture says, “For we walk by faith, not by sight.”约拿单因信,谨慎行事,在每一个环节里要看到神参与,他处处寻求神的旨意,神让他动,他就动;神让他停,他就停。Through faith, Jonathan acted prudently, seeing God's involvement in every step. He sought God's will in all things. When God prompted him to move, he moved; when God instructed him to stop, he stopped.没有神的旨意,他就静心等候,有了神的旨意,他就靠主行动,不看自己人单力薄,只信得胜在乎耶和华。When God’s will had not been revealed, he waited patiently. Once he received God's will, he acted by relying on the Lord, not considering his own weakness but believing that victory belongs to the Lord.


求主赦免我不信的罪,身处逆境时,就自保、惧怕,胆怯、退缩,凭了眼见,心就消化,失去了平安,让仇敌得胜;Lord, forgive my sin of unbelief. When faced with adversity, I resort to self-preservation, fear, timidity, and retreat. I rely on what I see, my heart melts, losing peace, and allowing the enemy to prevail.约拿单不顾及自己的生死、得失、荣辱,乃是敬畏神,在乎神的荣耀,信神凡事都能,为神勇敢献身,不看困难有多么的大,而是看他的神有多么的伟大。Jonathan disregarded his own life, gains, losses, and honour. He revered God, cared about God's glory, believed that God could do all things, and bravely dedicated himself to God. He did not focus on the magnitude of difficulties but on the greatness of his God.因信,刚强壮胆;因信,转危为安;因信,无所畏惧,因信,经历神迹……By faith, he was strong and courageous; by faith, he turned danger into safety; by faith, he was fearless; by faith, he experienced miracles...


主啊,神国复兴需要有像约拿单和少年人这样的勇士,为神国的荣耀,百姓的安危,因信而冒险,敢于为神挺身而出。Lord, the revival of Your kingdom requires warriors like Jonathan and his armour-bearer, who take risks for the glory of God's kingdom and the safety of the people, who dare to stand up for God by faith.因信,四面受敌却不被困住,心里作难却不至失望,By faith, we are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed; perplexed but not in despair.耶和华使人得胜,因为践踏我们敌人的就是祂。主啊,求你来复兴你的教会,复兴你的百姓,主啊,我们在这里,我们愿为你而去…The Lord grants victory because He tramples our enemies. Lord, please revive Your church, revive Your people. Lord, we are here, willing to go for You... (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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