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【撒上13:13】撒母耳对扫罗说:“你做了糊涂事了!没有遵守耶和华你神所吩咐你的命令。若遵守,耶和华必在以色列中坚立你的王位,直到永远。【1Sa 13:13】“You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time.

发表于 2024-07-17

扫罗等了七天,撒母耳还没有到吉甲。扫罗看到百姓离开他散去,又面临许多非利士人聚集,就自行献祭。在最危险最难熬的时刻,神试验我们在信什么。Saul waited for seven days, but Samuel had not yet arrived at Gilgal. When Saul saw the people dispersing from him and faced many Philistines gathering together, he offered the sacrifices himself. In the most dangerous and difficult times, God tests what we believe.刚献完祭,撒母耳就到了,并指出扫罗做了糊涂事了。扫罗因为不信神,惧怕人,失去了何等大的祝福。祝福与咒诅是何等的真实。As soon as the sacrifice was finished, Samuel arrived and pointed out that Saul had acted foolishly. Saul lost such a great blessing because he did not trust in God and was afraid of men. Blessings and curses are very real.


扫罗若遵守耶和华的命令,耶和华必在以色列中坚立他的王位,直到永远。因着他没有遵守,王位必不长久。大卫遵行神的旨意,得着了神信实的应许。If Saul had obeyed the Lord's command, the Lord would have established his throne over Israel forever. Because he did not keep it, his throne did not last long. David obeyed God's will and received God's faithful promises. 亚当没有遵行神的命令,使全人类落在咒诅之下。耶稣来到地上,顺服天父的旨意,甘心舍命在十字架上,却从死里复活,成为救恩的泉源。Adam failed to obey God's command, and all mankind fell under the curse. Jesus came to earth, obeyed the will of the Father, willingly laid down his life on the cross, was resurrected from the dead, and became the source of salvation.


扫罗自以为正当的理由,并不能改变神做事的法则。主啊,我也常讲对错,找理由:都是因为他或她伤害了我;因为环境太恶劣了;因为神也不说话…Saul's self-righteous reasons could not change God's law of doing things. Lord, I often talk about right and wrong, looking for excuses: it's all because he or she hurt me; because the environment is too bad; or because God doesn't speak either…我才抱怨、苦毒、自己行动的…求主赦免我是何等的愚昧,因着不信神的话,信自己的判断善恶,离弃神自行,把自己陷在咒诅之中…I complain, become bitter, and act on my own… Please forgive me, Lord. How foolish I am, because I don't believe in God's words, I believe in my own judgment of good and evil, I abandon God, and I fall into a curse…


主啊,你为救我们,选择了十字架。圣灵住在我们里面,神的诫命不是难守的!主,你活着,你掌管一切!我愿选择你的道路,做智慧人。Lord, you chose the cross to save us. The Holy Spirit lives within us, and God's commandments are not hard to keep! Lord, You live and You are in control! I want to choose Your path and be a wise person.主圣灵,帮助我信而祷告寻求你的旨意,定意丧掉自己的意思,遵行爱神爱人的命令,经历死里复活的大能,叫耶稣在我生命中作王直到永远!Lord Holy Spirit, help me believe and pray to seek Your will, make the decision to give up my own will, obey the command to love God and love others, experience the power of resurrection from the dead, and let Jesus reign in my life forever! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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