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【撒上12:24-25】只要你们敬畏耶和华,诚诚实实地尽心事奉他,想念他向你们所行的事何等大。你们若仍然作恶,你们和你们的王必一同灭亡。【1Sa‬12:24-25】But be sure to fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will perish.”

发表于 2024-07-16

百姓因不敬畏神,求耶和华为他们立王来管理他们,把自己陷入不义,承受罪的代价,苦不堪言,The people, due to their lack of reverence for God, asked the Lord to appoint a king to rule over them, leading themselves into unrighteousness and suffering the consequences of their sin.几乎丧命,但神有赦免之恩,慈悲怜悯,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱,乐意饶恕他们的过犯,并安慰他们,They endured great hardship and nearly lost their lives, but God, in His mercy, forgave them. He is compassionate and slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, and willing to forgive their transgressions and comfort them.既喜悦选他们作祂的子民,就必因祂的大名不撇弃他们。若他们忘本,不敬畏神,不去思想神行的大事,又去作恶,他们的结局就是灭亡。Since He delights in choosing them as His people, He will not abandon them for His great name's sake. If they forget their roots, fail to fear God, neglect to remember His great deeds, and commit evil, their end will be destruction.


人总是很容易撇弃神,神却不撇弃祂的儿女,People are always quick to abandon God, but God does not forsake His children.藉着撒母耳吩咐百姓与王都要敬畏上帝就得蒙福,若违背上帝就必受刑罚,这吩咐也是对今天的我们说的,Through Samuel, He instructed the people and the king to fear God in order to be blessed, warning that disobedience would result in punishment. This command also applies to us today.神是救人的神,不是灭人的神,祂的总意还是爱,是领我们悔改归正,离弃自己的恶行,自卑,寻求祂的面,专心仰望祂,单单敬畏神,诚诚实实地尽心事奉祂,想念祂向我们所行的事何等大。God is a God who saves, not one who destroys. His ultimate intention is love, leading us to repentance and righteousness, abandoning our wicked ways, humbling ourselves, seeking His face, wholeheartedly relying on Him, fearing Him alone, and sincerely serving Him with all our hearts, remembering the great things He has done for us.


何等感恩,本是落在咒诅之下的人,却被主救回,用祂的生命把我们带入祝福当中。What gratitude we should have! Although we were under a curse, the Lord saved us, bringing us into blessings through His life.主啊,我们尝过了天恩的滋味,又于圣灵有份,理当心存敬畏,诚诚实实地尽心事奉你,尊神为大,知道你是轻慢不得的。Lord, we have tasted the goodness of heaven and shared in the Holy Spirit, so we ought to live with reverence, sincerely serving You with all our hearts, honouring You as the greatest, knowing that You cannot be treated lightly.我们一生的功课就是敬畏神,要常想念神所行的一切公义的事,吸引我们全心注目于神的美善,并坚固我们的信心。Our lifelong lesson is to fear God, always remembering His righteous deeds, focusing our hearts entirely on His goodness, and strengthening our faith.


是的,总要趁着还有今日竭力转道,否定自己,向一切诱惑试探,罪恶是死的,单单听命于你。Yes, while there is still time today, we must strive to turn away, deny ourselves, and resist all temptations and evil, listening only to You.你既把我们从仇敌手中被救出来,将我们分别为圣,求你得着我们的心,谨守训诲,思想结局,每天用圣洁公义侍奉你,Since You have saved us from the hands of our enemies and set us apart as holy, we ask You to take our hearts, keep Your instructions, contemplate the end, and serve You daily with holiness and righteousness.效仿撒母耳敬畏之心,忠心顺服你到底,爱神爱人,被神祝福,也成为神家和这世代的祝福。Let us imitate Samuel’s reverence, faithfully obeying You to the end, loving God and loving people, being blessed by God, and becoming a blessing to God's family and this generation. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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