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【撒上12:23】至于我,断不停止为你们祷告,以致得罪耶和华。我必以善道正路指教你们。【1Sa 12:23】As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right.

发表于 2024-07-15

撒母耳从年幼侍立在圣殿中,被神训练、拣选成为士师和先知,服侍以色列人。当他年老时,以色列人要求立一个王,他们弃绝了撒母耳。Samuel served in the temple from a young age and was trained and chosen by God to become a judge and prophet to serve the Israelites. When he was old, the Israelites asked for a king, and they rejected Samuel.神说他们不是厌弃撒母耳,而是厌弃神作他们的王。神有丰富的怜悯,照以色列人所求的成就了。撒母耳因此也要从士师的位置上退下来。God said that they did not reject Samuel, but they rejected God as their King. God is rich in mercy and does what the Israelites ask for. Therefore, Samuel also had to step down from his position as judge.


撒母耳完全顺服神的旨意,甘心退位。他没有去安度晚年,也没有去苦毒恼恨以色列人,而是在爱中忠心守望。Samuel completely submitted to God's will and willingly abdicated his throne. He did not spend his remaining years in peace, nor did he become bitter and resentful of the Israelites, but remained faithful in love.从前的士师,成为默默的忠心的代祷者。他断不停止为以色列人祷告,以致得罪耶和华,并且要将神眼中的善道正路指教以色列人。这不正是耶稣基督的生命吗?The former judge became a silent and faithful intercessor. He would never sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for the Israelites, and he would teach the Israelites the good and right way in the eyes of God. Isn’t this the life of Jesus Christ?


耶稣道成肉身,被人弃绝,被钉十字架,在最痛的时候,担当我们的罪,又为我们祈求父的赦免。祂从死里复活,坐在神的右边,仍然在替我们祈求。Jesus became human, was rejected by others, and was crucified. In the most painful time, he bore our sins and prayed for the Father’s forgiveness for us. He rose from the dead, sits at the right hand of God, and still intercedes for us.圣灵也照着神的意思为我们祈求。主啊,你的旨意叫我们要不住地祷告,求你赦免我的懒惰、不信、自私,看重做事,却轻忽祷告…The Holy Spirit also intercedes for us according to God’s will. Lord, Your will calls us to pray without ceasing. Please forgive me for my laziness, unbelief, and selfishness. I value doing things but neglect praying...


主啊,你拣选我们在家中、教会、社区、国家和这个世界中作君尊的祭司,让我们以你的心为心,为你的国和义,为群羊,为万人,为君王和一切在位的…不停止恳求、祷告、代求…Lord, You have chosen us to be royal priests in our homes, churches, communities, nations, and in this world. Give us Your heart, Your kingdom and Your righteousness, Your flock, Your people, and Your king. And all those in authority... never stop asking, praying, and interceding...主啊,帮助我们遵行你的旨意,靠着祷告,胜过拒绝伤害,操练爱众人,爱仇敌,使万国万民归向你。Lord, help us to obey Your will, rely on prayer to overcome rejection and harm, practice loving everyone and loving enemies, and bring all nations and peoples to You. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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