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【撒上12:22】耶和华既喜悦选你们作他的子民,就必因他的大名不撇弃你们。【1 Samuel 12:22】For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own.

发表于 2024-07-14

众民知道自己求立王的事是罪上加罪了,便对神所行的大事恐惧害怕,担心自己死亡。The people knew that their request for a king was a sin on top of their other sins, so they were terrified by the great things God was doing and worried to death. 尽管以色列人不断地悖逆不敬畏神,但耶和华还是喜悦选他们做祂的子民。Although the Israelites continued to rebel and fear God, the Lord was still pleased to choose them to be His people. 他们虽屡次作恶离弃神,祂却一再施恩典,一再施怜悯,给机会他们回转。Although they repeatedly did evil and abandoned God, He repeatedly showed grace and mercy, giving them opportunities to turn back. 并且,祂还安慰鼓励他们:虽然你们行了这恶,与我为仇,但只要你们回转离弃偶像,尽心侍奉我,我必因我的大名不撇弃你们。He comforted and encouraged them: Although you have done this evil and become enemies with me, as long as you turn back, abandon your idols, and serve me with all your heart, I will not abandon you for the sake of my great name. 


何等恩情,无限怜悯,这份爱让人敬畏震惊。What grace, infinite mercy, this love is awe-inspiring and shocking. 神被自己所爱的选民藐视、弃绝,厌弃祂作王,却没有以他们的过犯待他们。God was despised and rejected by his beloved chosen people, and they rejected him as king, but he did not treat them according to their transgressions. 反而,祂以恩慈相待,并应许:耶和华既喜悦选你们作他的子民,就必因他的大名不撇弃你们。Instead, He treated them with kindness and promised: Since the Lord is pleased to choose you to be his people, he will not abandon you for the sake of his great name. 祂不希望他们沉迷于过去的罪恶中无法自拔,而是希望他们继续前进,忘记背后,努力面前,今日就在圣洁中与神同行。He does not want them to indulge in the sins of the past and be unable to extricate themselves, but hopes that they will move forward, forget the past, strive for the future, and walk with God in holiness today. 


以色列民就是我们生活的写照。The Israelites are a reflection of our lives. 我们任意妄为走自己的路,受尽苦痛折磨,然后回转向神。We act arbitrarily and go our own way, suffer pain and torture, and then turn back to God. 无数次的循环,祂都饶恕赦免、接纳、包容。He forgives, accepts, and tolerates us countless times. 主啊,我们是谁呢?你竟如此顾念不放弃我们。Lord, who are we? You care about us so much and don't give up on us. 就因为你喜悦选我们作你的子民,就因为这份没有理由的爱,你为我们舍了自己,要赎我们脱离一切罪恶。Because you are pleased to choose us as your people, because of this unconditional love, you gave yourself up for us to redeem us from all sins. 你又洁净我们,特作自己的子民,使我们因你的大名能荣耀你。You cleanse us to be your own people so that we can glorify you because of your great name. 


何等恩典,压伤的芦苇你不折断,将残的灯火你不熄灭,你用你的大爱将我们从迷茫中唤醒。What grace, you do not break the bruised reed, you do not extinguish the smouldering lamp, with your great love you awaken us from confusion. 何等恩典,你因你的名不撇弃我们,爱我们到底。What grace, you do not abandon us because of your name, and love us to the end. 我心被恩感,立志要做讨你喜悦的子民,不让你的圣灵担忧,每天分别为圣,看重与你的关系胜于一切。My heart is touched by grace, and I am determined to be a people who please you, not to grieve your Holy Spirit, to be sanctified every day, and to value my relationship with you above all else. 求圣灵引导我们悔改归正,以圣洁的装饰为衣,甘心牺牲自己,以敬畏神为乐,不再为自己活,定意为我死而复活的主活,荣耀主名。May the Holy Spirit lead us to repent and return to the right path, to be clothed in holiness, to willingly sacrifice ourselves, to rejoice in the fear of God, to no longer live for ourselves, but to resolve to live for our Lord who died and rose again, and to glorify His name. (郭Sister Guo)


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