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【撒上12:20】撒母耳对百姓说:“不要惧怕!你们虽然行了这恶,却不要偏离耶和华,只要尽心侍奉他。【1 Samuel12:20】 “Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD , but serve the LORD with all your heart.

发表于 2024-07-13

撒母耳祷告神,神就在这日打雷降雨,使以色列人知道他们求立王的事,是在耶和华面前犯大罪了。Samuel prayed to God, and God sent thunder and rain that day, so that the Israelites knew they had committed a great sin before the Lord by asking for a king. 众民便甚惧怕神和撒母耳,并祈求撒母耳为他们祷告神,免得因这罪而死亡。All the people feared God and Samuel, and asked Samuel to pray to God for them so they would not die for their sin. 撒母耳告诉百姓:不要惧怕!你们虽然犯罪行了这恶,却不要偏离不跟随耶和华,只要全心侍奉他…祂必不撇弃你们。Samuel told the people: Do not be afraid! Even though you have sinned and committed this evil, do not turn away from following the Lord, but serve him with all your heart… and he will not abandon you.

我们的神满有怜悯和恩典,不轻易发怒。Our God is merciful and gracious, and slow to anger. 主啊,我们跟以色列人一样,多少次犯了大罪,你没有灭绝我们。Lord, like the Israelites, we have committed great sins many times, but you have not destroyed us. 仍然借着你的仆人,用你的话指示我们悔改转向你。You still use your words to instruct us to repent and turn to you through your servants. 主啊,谢谢你道成肉身,撇下一切荣耀尊贵,流血舍命,为我们的罪作了挽回祭!Lord, thank you for becoming flesh, leaving behind all glory and honour, shedding your blood and giving up your life to be the atonement for our sins! 你不是灭人的神,而是拯救的主。You are not a god who destroys people, but a Lord who saves.

主,你是何等的忍耐,使我在失败跌倒之中,更深认识自己是卖给罪的,我的旧人是该与你同钉十字架的!Lord, how patient you are! You make me realise more deeply that my old self has been sold to sin, and it should be crucified with You in my  failures and falls! 主,你拯救的恩典是何等的宝贵!Lord, how precious is your saving grace!  因你不放弃的爱,我可以悔改转向你,承认并离弃罪,重新用心来侍奉你。Because of your unyielding love, I can repent and turn to you, confess and forsake my sins, and return to serving you with my heart. 主,感谢你有赦罪之恩,给我们机会悔改,为让我们敬畏你。Lord, thank you for your grace to forgive sins and give us the opportunity to repent so that we may fear you. 

主啊,你配得我们一生紧紧地跟随,全心全意地侍奉你! Lord, you are worthy of us following you closely throughout our lives and serving you wholeheartedly!   尽管我们有罪恶的过去,有犯罪的旧人,今天有复活得胜的耶稣在我们的生命中,大过世上的一切! Even though we have a sinful past and a sinful old self, today we have the resurrected and victorious Jesus in our lives, which is greater than anything in the world!主,我们转向你,你必转向我们! Lord, we turn to you and you will turn to us! 求你复兴我们里面的圣洁,敬畏你,恨恶罪恶,听从你的命令,用圣洁和公义侍奉你,向着标竿直跑,得着永恒的奖赏。 Please revive the holiness within us, fear you, hate sin, obey your commands, serve you with holiness and righteousness, run towards the goal, and receive eternal rewards.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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