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【撒上11:9】众人对那使者说:“你们要回复基列雅比人说:‘明日太阳近午的时候,你们必得解救。’”使者回去告诉雅比人,他们就欢喜了。【1Sa‬11:9】They told the messengers who had come, “Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, ‘By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be rescued.’ ” When the messengers went and reported this to the men of Jabesh, they were elated.

发表于 2024-07-11

亚扪人的王拿辖上来,对着基列雅比安营,然后恐吓、威胁他们,逼迫神的百姓,叫他们服侍他,Nahash the Ammonite went up and besieged Jabesh Gilead, intimidating and threatening them, forcing the people of God to serve him.基列雅比人根本没有力量起来争战,甚至对亚扪人说:你与我们立约,我们就服事你。The people of Jabesh Gilead had no strength to fight back and even said to the Ammonites, “Make a treaty with us, and we will be subject to you.”他们因软弱而妥协,愿意降服在仇敌和肉体的辖制下,不再反抗,甘心服事他们。They compromised out of weakness, willing to submit to the enemy and the flesh without resistance, gladly serving them.


仇敌更是猖狂,变本加厉,亚扪人拿辖说:你们若由我剜出你们各人的右眼,以此凌辱以色列人。The enemy became even more arrogant and aggressive. Nahash the Ammonite said, “I will make a treaty with you only on the condition that I gouge out the right eye of every one of youand so bring disgrace on all Israel.”属灵争战就是这样的残酷,顺从谁就做谁的奴仆,当人的生命受到威胁,受苦就回头了,Spiritual warfare is this cruel: whoever you obey, you become their slave. When a person’s life is threatened and they suffer, they turn back人的尽头就是神的开头,他们回到神的家中,把他们的需要、困难打发人送到以色列的全境去,神说你呼求我,我就应允你,鼓励你,使你有能力。. At the end of human strength is the beginning of God’s power. They returned to God’s house, sending their needs and difficulties to all of Israel. God says, “Call to me, and I will answer you, encourage you, and give you strength.”


神的灵大大感动扫罗去迎敌,耶和华使百姓都惧怕,有三十三万大军如同一人回应他的呼召,The Spirit of God greatly moved Saul to face the enemy. The Lord made the people fear, and 330,000 troops responded to his call as one.众人对那使者说:“你们要回复基列雅比人说:‘明日太阳近午的时候,你们必得解救。’”使者回去告诉雅比人,他们就欢喜了。They told the messengers who had come, “Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, ‘By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be rescued.’ ” When the messengers went and reported this to the men of Jabesh, they were elated.他们得了神极大的安慰和帮助,应许成了,他们一同出来把亚扪人打败了,除掉了仇敌对神家的破坏,神也得了荣耀。They received great comfort and help from God. The promise was fulfilled, and they came out together and defeated the Ammonites, removing the enemy’s damage to God’s house, and God was glorified.


是的,属灵争战是何等残酷,当我们选择自己的道路,就被仇敌追赶、欺压、迫害、甚至丧命,失去遮盖和保护;Yes, spiritual warfare is very cruel. When we choose our own path, we are pursued, oppressed, persecuted, and even killed by the enemy, losing our cover and protection.神有无尽的恩典和怜悯,只要我们转道,悔改归正,你应许:明日太阳近午的时候,你们必得解救,阿们!God has endless grace and mercy; as long as we turn back and repent, You promises: “By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be rescued.” Amen!定意向肉体死,向罪死,向神活,把神放在第一位,以敬畏神为乐,祂必成为我们的磐石和盾牌,患难中随时的帮助。哈利路亚,靠主必得胜!Determine to die to the flesh, to sin, and to live to God. Put God first, delight in fearing Him, and He will be our rock and shield, a present help in trouble. Hallelujah, with the Lord, we will be victorious! (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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