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【撒上9:21】扫罗说:“我不是以色列支派中至小的便雅悯人吗?我家不是便雅悯支派中至小的家吗?你为何对我说这样的话呢?”【1Sa‬9:21】Saul answered, “But am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you say such a thing to me?”

发表于 2024-07-09

撒母耳年纪老迈,他儿子不行他的道,以色列民要求立一个王来治理他们,When Samuel was old, his sons did not follow his ways. The Israelites demanded a king to rule over them.这事得罪神,是出于人意,但神满了恩典和怜悯,应允了他们的要求,仍然派撒母耳来成就这一切事,让他们来学习认识属灵法则,This displeased God, as it was based on human desires, but God, full of grace and mercy, granted their request. He still sent Samuel to accomplish these things, allowing them to learn and understand spiritual principles.出于肉体的都是自取败坏,为要领他们悔改归正,当撒母耳见到扫罗说:以色列众人所仰慕的是谁呢?不是仰慕你和你父全家吗?Everything born of the flesh leads to destruction, aiming to bring them to repentance. When Samuel met Saul, he said, "To whom is all the desire of Israel turned, if not to you and your whole family line?"


扫罗说:“我不是以色列支派中至小的便雅悯人吗?我家不是便雅悯支派中至小的家吗?你为何对我说这样的话呢?”Saul answered, “But am I not a Benjamite, from the smallest tribe of Israel, and is not my clan the least of all the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why do you say such a thing to me?”便雅悯支派在士师时代,在基比亚战争中惨败,仅剩600人存活,看环境自己岂能担此重任呢?The tribe of Benjamin had been nearly wiped out during the war at Gibeah in the time of the judges, leaving only 600 survivors. How could he possibly take on such a great responsibility?认识自己在属灵里面是何等宝贵的一课,但扫罗他不是真认识自己是至小的,经上说:事情的终局,强如事情的起头,扫罗因骄傲嫉妒而灭亡。Understanding one's place in the spiritual realm is a precious lesson, but Saul did not truly see himself as the least. Scripture says, "The end of a matter is better than its beginning," but Saul perished due to pride and jealousy.


是的,你若究察罪孽,谁能站得住呢?但在你有赦免之恩,要叫人敬畏你。Indeed, if You kept a record of sins, who could stand? But with You there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve You.求主赦免我们忘本,骄傲自高,信了自己,偷窃神的荣耀,自害己命。Lord, forgive us for forgetting our roots, for pride and arrogance, for trusting in ourselves and stealing Your glory, thereby bringing harm upon ourselves.因你恩典,你把我们从灰尘里抬举起来,从粪堆中提拔起来,给我们机会服侍你,学习神国法则,竭力追求认识你,知道自己是至小的,离了你什么也不是,离了你什么也做不了。By Your grace, You have lifted us from the dust and raised us from the ash heap, giving us the opportunity to serve You, to learn the principles of Your kingdom, and to earnestly seek to know You. Help us to understand that we are the least and that without You, we are nothing and can do nothing.


常常回到本位,否定自己,专心来倚靠仰望你的救恩,不倚靠自己的聪明,Let us continually return to our rightful place, deny ourselves, and rely solely on Your salvation, not on our own understanding.真知道自己是至小的,操练在一切所行的事上来认定你,谦卑寻求你的面,等候你的带领。Truly recognising our lowliness, let us practiseacknowledging You in all our ways, humbly seeking Your face, and waiting for Your guidance.因出于肉体的都是罪,都是与你为仇的,我的心要归向你,自洁,脱离卑贱,作贵重的器皿,成为圣洁合乎主用。Everything that comes from the flesh is sin and enmity against You. May my heart turn to You, purify itself, and become a vessel of honour, sanctified and fit for the Master's use. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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