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【撒上8:7】耶和华对撒母耳说:“百姓向你说的一切话,你只管依从。因为他们不是厌弃你,乃是厌弃我,不要我作他们的王。【1Sa8:7】And the Lord told him: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.

发表于 2024-07-08

以色列人想要立一个王,表面看来是因为撒母耳老迈,他的儿子们不行神的道。神难道不知道吗?The Israelites wanted to establish a king, apparently because Samuel was old and his sons did not walk in the way of God. Doesn’t God know?撒母耳心里虽然不喜悦,却没有凭自己行事,而是祷告寻求神的旨意。神即刻回应指示。神知道万人的心。Although Samuel was displeased, he did not act on his own. Instead, he prayed and sought God's will. God responded immediately with instructions. God knows the hearts of all people.以色列人想要效法周围的列国立一个王,乃是因他们厌弃神,不要神作他们的王。The Israelites wanted to imitate the surrounding nations and establish a king because they rejected God and did not want God to be their king.


然而神仍然允许他们立一个王。神掌管万有,统管全地。祂废王立王,祂在人的国中掌权,直到永永远远。世界上没有任何一个人或者制度可以解决罪和咒诅的问题。Yet God still allowed them to establish a king. God is in control of all things and rules over the entire earth. He deposes kings and establishes kings, and He reigns over the kingdoms of men forever and ever. No person or system in the world can solve the problem of sin and curse.惟有神所差来的耶稣,舍命救罪人。祂担当我们的罪和咒诅,我们才得着真正的平安和喜乐。惟有祂是万王之王,万主之主!Only Jesus, sent by God, gave his life to save sinners. He bore our sins and curses, and only then can we gain true peace and joy. Only He is the King of kings and Lord of lords!


主,当我照着自己私欲偏要行,只想自己的意思成就,要让身边的人听我的,遇到事情如神一样判断善恶,审判别人…Lord, when I choose to act according to my own lusts, only wanting my own will to be accomplished, let the people around me listen to me, and judge good and evil and judge others like God does when encountering things...正是在自己作王,不让耶稣来作我的王!撒但才是背逆神,要自己作王的。主啊,赦免我的骄傲、狂妄、自大…主,是你救赎了我,你才是我的主,我的王!我当来听从你。it is precisely when I reign as king and do not let Jesus come to be my King! Satan is the one who rebels against God and wants to rule himself. Lord, forgive my pride and arrogance. Lord, you have redeemed me, and you are my Lord and my King! I will listen to you.


主啊,求你开我们的心和眼,使我们真知道你是神,你坐着为王,直到永永远远!主,你在我的生命中,在我的家中掌权!Lord, please open our hearts and eyes so that we can truly know that you are God and that you sit as King forever and ever! Lord, you rule in my life and in my home!你更在教会中,在列国之中执掌王权!我们是属神的子民,是天国的大使。为着天父国度的降临与扩展,主啊,我们在这里!炼净我们的心,与你同工,使你的旨意成就在全地之中,使万国万民尊崇你为王!You also hold kingship in the church and among the nations! We are God's people and ambassadors of the Kingdom of Heaven. For the coming and expansion of the Heavenly Father’s kingdom, Lord, we are here! Refine our hearts and work with you so that your will may be accomplished throughout the earth, and all nations and peoples may respect you as king!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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