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【1 Samuel 7:12】撒母耳在米斯巴和善中间立了一块石头,起名叫以便以谢,说:“到如今耶和华都帮助我们。”【1 Samuel 7:12】Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shen, and named it Ebenezer, saying, "Thus far the Lord has helped us."

发表于 2024-07-07

以色列人犯罪且心怀二意,他们既拜真神又拜外邦的神,因此神的荣耀离开他们,神将他们交给非利士人。The Israelites sinned and were double-minded. They worshipped both the true God and foreign gods, so the glory of God left them, and God handed them over to the Philistines. 在那段时间,他们经历了约柜被掳,祭司被杀,百姓倒下,受尽痛苦……During that period, they experienced the capture of the Ark of the Covenant, the killing of the priests, and the people falling down, and they suffered terribly...二十年后,撒母耳站起来对以色列众人说:“若你们一心归向耶和华,尽心归向他,就要除掉外邦的神,只单单侍奉耶和华,你们就必得救。”After twenty years, Samuel stood up and said to all the Israelites, "If you will return to the Lord with all your heart and turn to Him with all your heart, you must put away the foreign gods and serve the Lord only, and you will be delivered."


于是他们在米斯巴禁食,认罪求神帮助。撒母耳为他们献上羔羊,向神祷告。So they fasted and confessed their sins at Mizpah, calling on God for help. Samuel offered a lamb for them and prayed to God. 神用雷声使非利士人惊乱,以色列人化险为夷,连连得胜,得到了神的帮助,恢复了神的荣耀。God used thunder to confuse the Philistines, and the Israelites turned danger into safety, won victory after victory, and received God's help and restored His glory.


为了纪念神的帮助,提醒神的百姓不要忘记神的恩典,心中要有敬畏神和依靠神的心,撒母耳在米斯巴和善中间立了一块石头,起名叫以便以谢,以此见证那位“到如今都帮助我们的神”。To commemorate God's help, remind God's people not to forget God's grace, and to have a fear of God and a heart of reliance on God, Samuel set up a stone between Mizpah and Shan, named Ebenezer, to testify to the God who "has helped us until now." 是的,主啊,你的恩典大过过犯。即使我们失信,你仍然是可信的,因为你不能否认自己。Yes, Lord, Your grace is greater than our transgression. Even if we are unfaithful, you are still trustworthy, because you cannot deny yourself.


我的心啊,不要忘记你的一切恩典。我一生要天天赞美你,让我的生命充满圣灵的印记,让我的道路滴满肥油。My heart, do not forget all Lord’s grace. I will praise You every day while I am alive, let my life be filled with the seal of your Holy Spirit, and let my path drop fatness. 无论环境多么恶劣,无论我们多么不堪,只要我们悔改转回,弃恶从善,全心寻求你,单单侍奉你,你的应许必不落空:到如今,耶和华都帮助我们。No matter how bad the environment is, no matter how sinful we are, as long as we repent and turn back, abandon evil deeds, seek You wholeheartedly, and serve You alone, Your promise will never fail: Thus far, the Lord has helped us. 到如今,无论过去、现在还是将来,神总是帮助我们,因为耶稣基督昨日今日直到永远是一样的。Thus far, whether in the past, present, or future, God has always and will always help us. Because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

无论仇敌多么猖狂,它用恐惧、沮丧、退缩来打击你的百姓,但我们依靠神就不害怕,因为你是随时的帮助;我们凭信心来到你面前,躲在你翅膀的荫下。No matter how rampant the enemy is, it uses fear, discouragement, and retreat to defeat your people, but we will not be afraid if we rely on God, because you are our help at all times; by faith, we come before you and hide under the shadow of your wings. 你必使我们的脚像母鹿的蹄,使我们能行在高处,因为你是以便以谢的神,是到如今都帮助我们的神。You will make our feet like the hooves of a deer so that we can walk on high places, because you are the God of Ebenezer, the God who has helped us until now. 哈利路亚,依靠耶和华必得胜!Hallelujah, relying on the Lord will surely win! (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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