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【撒上7:8】以色列人对撒母耳说:“愿你不住地为我们呼求耶和华我们的神,救我们脱离非利士人的手。”[1 Samuel 7:8]They said to Samuel, “Do not stop crying out to the LORD our God for us, that he may rescue us from the hand of the Philistines.”

发表于 2024-07-05

以色列人都知道耶和华立撒母耳为先知。All the Israelites knew that the Lord had appointed Samuel as a prophet. 耶和华与他同在,使他所说的话,一句都不落空。The Lord was with him, so that none of his words failed. 撒母耳忠心地向以色列人传讲神的默示,有多少人肯听呢?Samuel faithfully preached God’s revelation to the Israelites. How many people were willing to listen? 直到二十年之后,以色列全家都倾向耶和华。It was not until twenty years later that all the people of Israel turned back to the Lord. 原文说他们哭泣着转向神。The original text says they turned to God weeping. 神是何等的忍耐,二十年的时间,既训练撒母耳,又在等候以色列人回转。How patient God was. He spent twenty years training Samuel and waiting for the Israelites to turn around.

以色列人回转向神时,仇敌非利士人就来攻击。When the Israelites turned back to God, their enemies, the Philistines, attacked. 急难之中,以色列人很惧怕,只能求助神忠心的仆人,乞求撒母耳为他们不住地呼求神的拯救。In the midst of crisis, the Israelites were very afraid and could only turn to God's faithful servants, imploring Samuel who kept calling out to God for their salvation.  撒母耳献上燔祭,为以色列人呼求,耶和华就应允他。Samuel offered a burnt offering and cried out for the Israelites, and the Lord answered him. 当日,耶和华大发雷声,惊乱非利士人。That day the LORD thundered with great force, and the Philistines were troubled. 撒母耳一生没有停止为以色列人祷告呼求。Samuel never stopped praying for the Israelites throughout his life. 不同的生命,与神不同的关系,带出不同的反应和果子。Different lives and different relationships with God bring about different reactions and fruits.

主啊,我们就像以色列人一样,遇到又大又难的事,只能找你的仆人为我们祷告。Lord, we are like the Israelites. When we encounter big and difficult things, we can only turn to your servants to pray for us.  我们听从你仆人的话去行,就经历神的真实和大能。When we obey the words of your servant and act, we will experience the reality and power of God. 我们若趁势而行,愿意付代价,因信寻求你,顺服你,就可以像你的仆人一样与你建立亲密的关系。If we take advantage of the situation, are willing to pay the price, seek You by faith, and obey You, we can build a close relationship with You like Your servants. 主,求你赦免我们的忘恩和作恶,一次次离弃了你…Lord, please forgive us for our ingratitude and evil deeds, for forsaking you again and again...

主啊,我不要等到灾难来临时,才哭着回转。Lord, I don’t want to wait until disaster strikes before crying and turning around. 此刻,现在,我要回转向你。求圣灵帮助我,从生活的小事上,操练信靠你,呼求你,顺服你。Now, I turn to you. Holy Spirit please help me practise trusting You, calling on You, and obeying You in the little things of life. 纵然环境和身边的人都没有改变,我的眼目要仰望你,丧掉我的操纵、控制、不满…Even though the environment and the people around me have not changed, I want to look up to you and lose my manipulation, control, and dissatisfaction... 使耶稣的忍耐、饶恕和爱更多掌管我,照你的心意不住地去代祷代求…let the patience, forgiveness, and love of Jesus control me more and more, and pray for others according to your will. (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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