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【撒上7:3】撒母耳对以色列全家说:“你们若一心归顺耶和华,就要把外邦的神和亚斯他录从你们中间除掉,专心归向耶和华,单单地事奉他。他必救你们脱离非利士人的手。”【1Sa‬7:3】So Samuel said to all the Israelites, “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtorethsand commit yourselves to the Lord and serve him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.”

发表于 2024-07-04

过了二十年,以色列人全家都倾向耶和华。以色列民在这些年间拜外邦的神和亚斯她录,得罪耶和华,神的公义使他们倍受仇敌欺压。After twenty years, all the house of Israel lamented after the Lord. During these years, the Israelites had worshipped foreign gods and Ashtoreth, offending the Lord. God's righteousness allowed their enemies to oppress them greatly.受苦是与我们有益,为要使我们学习神的律例。为罪受苦了才真正认识至高神,认识祂的公义和圣洁,认识自己的罪,痛悔、转道,神的爱就临到,我们不至消灭,是出于祂诸般的慈爱,因祂的怜悯不致断绝。It was good for us to be afflicted so that we might learn God’s decrees. Only after suffering for our sins do we truly recognise the Most High God, understand His righteousness and holiness, acknowledge our own sins, repent, and turn back to God. His love then comes upon us. We are not destroyed because of His manifold mercies, for His compassions never fail.


是的,因祂的爱从昨日、到今日,一直到永远都未改变,以色列民从迷失到归回经过漫长的年月,神从未放弃,Yes, His love remains unchanged from yesterday, today, and forever. Though it took many years for the Israelites to return from their wayward ways, God never gave up on them.兴起撒母耳再次对以色列全家说:“你们若一心归顺耶和华,就要把外邦的神和亚斯她录从你们中间除掉,专心归向耶和华,单单地事奉他。他必救你们脱离非利士人的手。” He raised up Samuel, who once again spoke to the entire house of Israel: “If you are returning to the Lord with all your hearts, then rid yourselves of the foreign gods and the Ashtoreths and commit yourselves to the Lord and serve Him only, and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines.”以色列人就除掉诸巴力和亚斯她录,单单地事奉耶和华。So the Israelites put away their Baals and Ashtoreths, and served the Lord only.


撒母耳成为单单侍奉神,专心倚靠神的榜样,也教导和带领神子民单拜独一真神,脱离咒诅进入祝福。Samuel became an example of one who served God wholeheartedly and relied solely on Him. He taught and led God's people to worship the one true God, delivering them from curses and bringing them into blessings.感谢主,你的话就是光,照亮我心灵最深处,今天我的属灵生命没有突破,麻烦事不断,都是我没有一心来归向耶和华,Thank You, Lord, for Your word is light, illuminating the depths of my soul. Today, my spiritual life lacks breakthroughs, and troubles persist because I have not fully turned to the Lord.我里面有太多的偶像,金钱、名利、自尊面子、孩子、自己、工作…占据了我的心。主啊,求你使我打碎心中偶像,放下心中所爱……My heart is filled with too many idols—money, fame, pride, children, myself, work—all occupying my heart. Lord, please help me break the idols in my heart and let go of what I hold dear...


单单归向你,以敬畏你的心为乐,因主耶稣在十字架上早已战胜了撒旦、战胜了死亡、战胜了罪恶,我们不再做撒旦的奴仆,信谎言,奉主耶稣的名弃绝世界价值观在我们心中的地位。I will turn to You alone and my heart will delight in the fear of You. For the Lord Jesus has already defeated Satan, death, and sin on the cross. We are no longer slaves to Satan, believing in lies. In the name of the Lord Jesus, we reject the world's values that have taken hold in our hearts.当以色列人除去他们当中的诸巴力和亚斯她录就经历得胜,今天,你的百姓,你的众教会也分别为圣,把自己当作活祭,做你圣洁的器皿,一生来传扬你的圣名。When the Israelites removed the Baals and Ashtorethsfrom among them, they experienced victory. Today, may Your people and all Your churches be sanctified, offering themselves as living sacrifices, becoming holy vessels to proclaim Your holy name throughout their lives. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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