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【撒上6:20】伯示麦人说:“谁能在耶和华这圣洁的神面前侍立呢?”【1Sa 6:20】And the people of Beth Shemesh asked, “Who can stand in the presence of the Lord, this holy God? To whom will the ark go up from here?”

发表于 2024-07-03

伯示麦人擅观神的约柜,被击杀,百姓为此哀哭,开始认识:神是圣洁的,谁能在圣洁的神面前侍立呢?The people of Bethshemesh looked at the Ark of God without permission and were killed. The people mourned and began to realise: God is holy. Who can stand before a holy God?亚伦的儿子献凡火,被击杀。乌撒扶约柜,被击杀!难道神是滥杀无辜的暴君吗?神一切所行的无不公义!人非圣洁不能见神的面!神是圣洁的,忌邪的,祂必击杀罪恶!Aaron's sons offered strange fire and were killed. Uzzah held up the Ark and was killed! Is God a tyrant who kills innocent people indiscriminately? All God’s ways are righteous! Unless a person is holy, he cannot see the face of God! God is holy and jealous, and He will kill sin!


我们都是不圣洁的。当我们众人的罪都归在耶稣身上,耶稣被天父弃绝,被击杀,成为一次永久的赎罪祭。何等圣洁的主,却如此爱罪人,为罪人舍命流血,使我们与神和好。We are all unholy. When the sins of all of us were laid on Jesus, Jesus was rejected by the Father and killed, becoming a permanent sin offering. What a holy Lord who loves sinners so much that He shed His life for sinners so that we could be reconciled to God.因着耶稣的牺牲,我们可以坦然无惧地进入至圣所,来到施恩的宝座前…主你的爱是何等的长阔高深…Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, we can enter the Holy of Holies without fear and come to the throne of grace... Lord, how long, wide, high, and deep is your love...


主,你是圣洁,圣洁,圣洁!那召我们的既是圣洁,我们在一切所行的事上也要圣洁。主啊,这些年,多少次,我祈求你赦免我,饶恕我…Lord, you are holy, holy, holy! As He who called us is holy, we also must be holy in all our ways. Lord, how many times over the years have I asked you to forgive me and forgive me...生活中,我却又回到旧人的思想里,计算别人的恶,一次次被罪恶胜过,又祈求主的赦免…主,你有赦罪之恩,不是让我放纵罪恶,而是让我敬畏你!But in life, I have returned to my old thoughts, counting the evils of others, being overcome by sin again and again, and praying for the Lord's forgiveness... Lord, you have the grace to forgive sins, not to let me indulge in sin, but to let me fear you!


主,你不仅赦免我们的罪,更要使我们胜过罪,成为你的儿子,进入荣耀中去。Lord, you not only forgive our sins but also enable us to overcome our sins, become your sons, and enter into glory.主啊,感谢你的宝血和十字架,感谢你的责备和管教,求你的圣洁公义掌管我,使我恨恶罪恶,钉死自己,转向你的真理,爱你所爱…Lord, thank you for your precious blood and cross, thank you for your rebuke and discipline. Please control me with your holiness and righteousness, causing me to hate sin, crucify myself, turn to your truth, and love what you love...主啊,炼净我们的心,今生更多像你,在永恒里可以侍立在你面前,敬拜尊崇你。Lord, refine our hearts so we will be more like You in this life, and we can stand before You, worship, and honour You in eternity. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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