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【撒上2:35上】我要为自己立一个忠心的祭司;他必照我的心意而行。【2Sa 2:35a】I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who will do according to what is in my heart and mind.

发表于 2024-07-01

以利被神拣选做祭司,却因着藐视神,尊重自己的儿子过于尊重神,使自己的子孙后代都落在咒诅之下。神实在是轻慢不得的。Eli was chosen by God to be a priest, but because he despised God and respected his own son more than God, his descendants fell under the curse. God cannot be mocked.虽然许多人因着不忠心失败了。然而神的心意从未更改,也必要成就。神要为自己立一个忠心的祭司。忠心的标志是:他必照神的心意而行,不是照自己的心意而行。Although many have failed because of unfaithfulness, God’s will has never changed and will always be fulfilled. God wanted to appoint a faithful priest for Himself. The sign of loyalty is that he will act according to God's will, not his own.


耶稣来到地上,成为忠心的大祭司,父怎么吩咐,祂就怎么行。在客西马尼园,耶稣也曾惊恐起来,向父祈求:倘若可行,求你将这杯挪去…Jesus came to earth to be a faithful high priest, doing whatever the Father commanded. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus also became frightened and prayed to the Father: If it is possible, please remove this cup from me...耶稣恳切地祈求,竭尽全力地争战,汗如血一样的滴下。得胜的关键在于,耶稣定意呼求:不要照我的意思,只要照你的旨意。哈利路亚,成了! 因耶稣的信靠顺服,我们得着了救赎!Jesus prayed earnestly and fought with all his strength, sweating like blood. The key to victory is that Jesus purposely cried out: Not my will, but yours. Hallelujah, it’s done! Because of Jesus’ trust and obedience, we are saved!


在旧约,只有亚伦的子孙才能做祭司。今天因着耶稣基督献上本身为祭,使我们成为君尊的祭司,站在神和人之间代求。In the Old Testament, only the descendants of Aaron could serve as priests. Today, because Jesus Christ offers himself as a sacrifice, we become royal priests, standing between God and man to intercede.主啊,求你赦免我,嘴巴称你为主,行动上却常常背逆你,随从自己的意思,是与撒但为伍,与神为仇了。主啊,我行在自己认为对和好的里面,错过了太多认识你美好旨意的机会…Lord, please forgive me. I call you Lord with my mouth, but in my actions, I often rebel against you and follow my own will. I am in league with Satan and at enmity with God. Lord, I walk in what I think is right for reconciliation, and I miss too many opportunities to know your wonderful will...


主啊,我是属你的,你的旨意永远良善!主啊,炼净我的心,使我主动否定自己和自己的意思,因信寻求并遵行你的旨意。Lord, I am yours, and your will is always good! Lord, refine my heart so that I can actively deny myself and my own will, and seek and obey Your will by faith.主啊,求你兴起更多忠心跟随你的器皿,以你的心愿为我们一生的使命,用生命来事奉你,扩展你的国度。愿你的旨意成就在你的教会。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上!Lord, please raise up more vessels that follow you faithfully, take your heart’s desire as our life’s mission, use our lives to serve you, and expand your kingdom. May your will be done in your church. May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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