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【撒上2:30】因此,耶和华以色列的神说:‘我曾说,你和你父家必永远行在我面前;现在我却说,决不容你们这样行!因为尊重我的,我必重看他;藐视我的,他必被轻视。【1 Samuel 2:30】Therefore, the Lord God of Israel said, ‘I said, “You and your father’s house shall walk before me forever.” But now I say, “I will never allow you to do this! For I will honor those who honor me, and he who despises me will be despised.”

发表于 2024-06-30

祭司以利因为纵容儿子亵渎神的祭物和神的殿,便受了神的咒诅。Eli the priest was cursed by God because he allowed his son to blaspheme God’s sacrifices and God’s temple.他重看他的儿子过于重看神。因此神向他发怒,He honoured his son more than God. Therefore, God was angry with him and said to him,对他说:“尊重我的我必重看他,藐视我的他必被轻视。” “I will honour those who honour me, and he who despises me will be despised.”神的话怎么说就怎么成就,是轻慢不得的,God’s word came true as it was said, and it could not be despised.他的两个儿子都在战场上阵亡,神的约柜被非利士人掳去。Both of his sons died in battle, and the Ark of God was captured by the Philistines.以利一听见这个噩耗,便从他所坐的位上往后跌倒,在门旁折断颈项而死。When Eli heard the bad news, he fell backward from the seat he was sitting on, broke his neck at the door, and died.


经上说,事情的终局,强如事情的起头。The Bible says that the end of a matter is better than its beginning.以利是祭司,神曾有应许,”你和你父家必永远行在我面前”, Eli was a priest, and God had promised him, "You and your father's house will walk before me forever."因他没有忌邪恨恶罪恶的心,任由儿子们作恶藐视神的祭物,不严厉管教责备,也没有引导儿子们敬畏神,Because he did not have a heart that hated evil and sin, he allowed his sons to do evil and despised God's sacrifices, did not discipline and rebuke them severely, and did not guide his sons to fear God.于是神说,“我所吩咐献在我居所的祭物,你们为何践踏?尊重你的儿子过于尊重我……” So God said, "Why do you trample on the sacrifices that I commanded to be offered in my dwelling? You honour your sons more than you honour me..."以至于以利和儿子一同遭受罪的审判:藐视神的,神必轻视。As a result, Eli and his sons suffered the judgment of sin together: God will despise those who despise God.


神的话是立定在天的,尊重神的人神必看重他,God's words are established in heaven. God will value those who respect God.多少属灵伟人单以神为大,撇下一切所有,为主不顾性命,只为讨主的喜悦,How many spiritual greats only regard God as the greatest, give up everything, and disregard their lives for the Lord, just to please the Lord?神必看重他们,显明与他们同在的凭据,God will value them and show the evidence of being with them.他们光辉烈烈的生命影响一代又一代的圣徒。Their glorious lives have influenced generations of saints.反之,藐视神的人必被神轻视,爱自己甚于一切的人,他的道路崎岖,终日不见福乐来到,On the contrary, those who despise God will be despised by God. Those who love themselves more than anything else will have a rough road and will not see happiness all day long.疾病、咒诅如影随形,苦不堪言…Diseases and curses will follow them like a shadow, and they will suffer unspeakably...生死祸福两条道路我选择哪条呢?Which of the two roads of life and death, disaster and blessing should I choose?


主啊,以利家的教训已经摆在了我眼前,Lord, the lesson of Eli's family has been placed before me.求你使我领受训诲责备,悔改归正,谨慎自守,不再重蹈覆辙;Please let me receive instruction and rebuke, repent and turn to the right path, be cautious and self-disciplined, and never repeat the same mistakes.让我生发敬畏之心,不要以这日的事为小,我种什么就收什么;Let me develop a fearful heart and not regard the affairs of this day as small. I will reap what I sow.我要单单以敬畏神为乐,每天跟神交账,忠于神的托付,效仿主的脚踪,只愿主的旨意成就;I want to simply revere God, give an account to God every day, be loyal to God's entrustment, follow the Lord's footsteps, and only wish that the Lord's will be accomplished.让我披戴基督,每天活出圣洁的生命。惟有敬畏神、尊重神的人所得的尊荣是永远长存的。Let me put on Christ and live a holy life every day. Only those who fear and respect God will be honoured forever. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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