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【 撒上 2:25】 人若得罪人,有士师审判他;人若得罪耶和华,谁能为他祈求呢?”然而他们还是不听父亲的话,因为耶和华想要杀他们。[1 Samuel 2:25] If one person sins against another, God may mediate for the offender; but if anyone sins against the LORD , who will intercede for them?” His sons, however, did not listen to their father’s rebuke, for it was the LORD ’s will to put them to death.

发表于 2024-06-28

以利的两个儿子是恶人,他们使神的子民厌弃给耶和华献祭。Eli's two sons were wicked men who turned God's people away from offering sacrifices to the LORD.以利听到儿子们的风声不好,虽去劝勉,却不管用。Eli heard the bad news about his sons, and although he tried to persuade them, it didn't work.他们不听父亲的话。因为耶和华想要杀他们。They did not listen to their father because the LORD wanted to kill them.神不是爱吗?是的,神更是圣洁公义的。Isn’t God love? Yes, God is even more holy and righteous. 神差先知多次警戒,做祭司的父亲和儿子,都没有真实悔改。最终咒诅临到。God sent prophets to warn many times, but neither the priest father nor his sons truly repented. Eventually, the curse came.

人种的是什么,收的也是什么。Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap. 当人恒久背道,心里刚硬,定意不肯悔改,必承受自己罪恶的后果。When a person persists in his apostasy, hardens his heart, and resolves not to repent, he will suffer the consequences of his sin. 每当神宣告审判时,总是给人时间悔改。Whenever God pronounces judgement, He always gives people time to repent.因祂断不喜悦恶人灭亡,而愿万人悔改得拯救。For He is far from pleased that the wicked should perish, but desires that all people should repent and be saved. 照着神的公义,我们全都该灭亡。According to God's justice, we all deserve to perish. 神杀人了!祂杀了自己独生的爱子耶稣,成为一次永久的赎罪祭。God kills people! He killed His only son, Jesus, as an eternal sin offering. 因这爱,我们得了救赎。Because of this love, we are saved.

主啊,我们能够悔改转向你,都是你的恩典和怜悯。Lord, it is only because of Your grace and mercy that we can repent and turn to You. 主啊,当我骄傲背逆时,求你怜悯管教;Lord, when I am proud and rebellious, please have mercy on me and discipline me; 当我软弱跌倒时,求你施恩扶起;when I am weak and fall, please show Your grace and lift me up;不要任凭我心里刚硬偏行己路,求你赐给我悔改的恩典,使我为罪忧伤痛悔,快快回转向你。do not let me be hardened in my heart and go my own way, but please give me the grace to repent so that I can be sorrowful and repentant of my sins, and quickly turn to You. 主啊,带领我敬畏你,恨恶罪,带着你的公义慈爱,把孩子也带到你的面前…Lord, lead me to fear You, hate sin, bring Your righteousness and love, and bring my children to You...

天父降雨给义人,也给不义的人,何等恒久忍耐的爱!The Father sends rain to the righteous as well as to the unjust. What a long-suffering love! 主啊,在这末后的日子,让我们以你的心为心,用你的爱去爱,为着许多还不认识你、拒绝你的灵魂祈求,Lord, in these last days, let us take Your heart as our heart, love with Your love, and pray for the many souls who still don’t know You and reject You. 你怎么拯救我们,求你也施恩典给他们,Just as You saved us, so save them too. 使他们的眼睛得开,从黑暗中归向光明,得着永恒的救恩。Let them open their eyes, turn from darkness to light, and gain eternal salvation. 愿万国万民都归神的国度! May all nations and peoples return to the kingdom of God! (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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