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【撒上2:2】只有耶和华为圣,除他以外没有可比的,也没有磐石像我们的神。【1Sa 2:2】"There is no one holy like the LORD ; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.

发表于 2024-06-26

哈拿将自己最心爱的儿子撒母耳完全地献给神,没有痛苦和不舍。她的心因耶和华快乐,因神的救恩欢欣。Hannah dedicated her most beloved son, Samuel, completely to God without pain or reluctance. Her heart rejoiced in the Lord and rejoiced in God’s salvation.借着祷告蒙垂听,哈拿认识到神是谁。只有祂是圣洁的,除祂以外没有可比的,也没有磐石像我们的神!祂是稳固的磐石,永不更改,永不动摇!信靠祂的必不羞愧!Through her prayers being answered, Hannah learned who God is. He alone is holy; there is none like Him, and there is no rock like our God! He is the solid rock that never changes or wavers! Whoever believes in Him will not be ashamed!


哈拿心中涌出何等的感恩和赞美!她欢喜快乐地把神所赐的儿子再次献给神,使他终身归耶和华。神不是来剥夺,而是要把祂一切的丰盛倾倒给我们。What thanksgiving and praise welled up in Hannah's heart! She joyfully dedicated her son to God again, so that he would belong to the Lord for life. God does not come to take away, but to pour out all His riches on us.能够把我们心中所爱的,献给这样圣洁、公义、尊贵、荣耀、大有能力的救主,是何等的恩典!主啊,你配得我们献上一切所有!What a grace it is to be able to dedicate what we love in our hearts to such a holy, righteous, honourable, glorious, and powerful Saviour! Lord, you are worthy of all we have to offer!


主,你的名本为圣,你是至圣至荣至美的救主。有何神像我们的神?圣洁公义,慈爱怜悯…Lord, your name is holy, and you are the most holy, glorious, and beautiful Saviour. What god is like our God? Holiness and justice, love and mercy...主啊,在你圣洁的光中,我才看到自己是何等的污秽不堪。我们本该被击杀,你却为我们舍命流血,洗净我们的罪,更要塑造我们成为你的儿子,与你同坐宝座。主,你的救恩何等浩大!你的作为何等可畏。Lord, in the light of your holiness, I see how filthy I am. We should have been killed, but you laid down your life and shed your blood for us to wash away our sins. You also moulded us into your sons to sit on the throne with you. Lord, how great is your salvation! How awesome are your works!


主啊,感谢你拯救了我,我把一切心中所爱献在你的祭坛上,愿你悦纳。Lord, thank you for saving me. I offer all the love in my heart on your altar, and may you accept it.主啊,更新我的心思意念,在每一件小事上,更深认识你是谁,认识你永不更改的属性,竭力否定自己,除去一切的惧怕、忧愁、疑惑、退后…Lord, renew my heart and mind. In every little thing, I will have a deeper understanding of who you are and your unchangeable attributes. I will try my best to deny myself and get rid of all fear, sorrow, doubt, and backsliding...使我因信真道,被圣灵感动,成为圣洁,得着拯救,荣耀见证你的圣名。so that I can rely on faith. The Word, moved by the Holy Spirit, sanctified, saved, and glorified, witnesses to Your holy name. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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