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【徒28:30-31】保罗在自己所租的房子里住了足足两年。凡来见他的人,他全都接待,放胆传讲神国的道,将主耶稣基督的事教导人,并没有人禁止。【Acts 28:30-31】For two whole years Paul stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him. 31He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!

发表于 2024-06-25

保罗四次的旅行布道,靠着圣灵的能力,神迹彰显,见证耶稣的复活,Paul performed miracles and witnessed the resurrection of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit during his four missionary journeys. 同时也充满了危险、艰难、逼迫…But there were also lots of dangers, hardships, and persecutions...照着神所应许的,保罗到达罗马,却是以囚犯的身份。According to God's promise, Paul arrived in Rome, but was as a prisoner. 虽为囚犯,却可以自己租住房子,两年之久,接待众人,Although he was a prisoner, he stayed there in his own rented house and welcomed all who came to see him for two whole years. 自由地传讲神国的道,将耶稣的事教导人,并没有人禁止。He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance! 主啊,你的作为何等奇妙可畏。Lord, how wonderful and fearful are Your works.

保罗这样爱主,献上自己,顺服主,为什么还经历那么多的患难困苦,最后还成为囚犯?Paul loved the Lord so much, devoted himself to the Lord and obeyed the Lord, why did he still experience so many hardships and finally became a prisoner? 惹事的根乃在乎神。The root of the trouble lies in God. 保罗效法了耶稣,甘心被囚,被杀,仍忠心信靠顺服,成为活的见证。Paul imitated Jesus and was willing to be imprisoned and killed. He remained faithful, trusting, obedient and became a living testimony. 这位带锁链的使者,使御营全军的人得知耶稣的名,使主里的弟兄更加笃信不疑,放胆传神的道,This ambassador in chains proclaimed the kingdom of God with all boldness, making the whole army know the name of Jesus and the brothers in the Lord more confident. 两千年来激励无数人效法跟随这佳美的脚踪…He has inspired countless people to imitate and follow these beautiful footsteps over the past two thousand years.

保罗以得着耶稣为至宝,不以性命为念,Paul considered everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord and considered his life worth nothing to him. 把自己完全浇奠在祭坛上,全心地信靠耶稣,完全地顺服圣灵的引导,使得福音被广传,神的国大有能力地降临在地上! He poured himself out as a drink offering on the altar, trusted Jesus wholeheartedly, and obeyed the guidance of the Holy Spirit completely, so that the gospel was spread widely and the kingdom of God came with great power on earth! 主啊,我们也要!我们渴望复兴的降临!Lord, we want it too! We long for revival to come! 神可以瞬间翻转一切,却忍耐等候训练我们更像耶稣!主啊,我愿意,帮助我付上代价! God can turn everything around in an instant, but He patiently waits to train us to be more like Jesus! Lord, I am willing! Help me pay the price!

主啊,更新我的心思意念,不再自己判断善恶,使我寻求你的旨意,全心信靠顺服。Lord, renew my mind and heart so that I no longer judge good and evil for myself, so that I can seek your will and trust and obey with all my heart. 出于神的都是好的,你的旨意永远良善!Everything that comes from God is good, and Your will is always good! 主啊,兴起更多爱你的器皿,不为自己活,只为耶稣活!Lord, raise up more vessels that love you and live not for themselves but for Jesus! 主啊,复兴你的教会,使我们放胆传讲神国的道,活出耶稣的生命,抢夺失丧的灵魂,征服失丧的领地,扩展神的国度在地上。Lord, revive your church so that we can boldly preach the word of the kingdom of God, live out the life of Jesus, rescue lost souls, conquer lost territories and expand the kingdom of God on earth. (付传道 Pastor Fu)


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