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【徒27:25】所以众位可以放心,我信神他怎样对我说,事情也要怎样成就。 [Acts 27:25] So keep up Your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.

发表于 2024-06-23

当遇见海上的风暴,不信的人和信的人截然两种不同的表现。  When encountering a storm at sea, unbelievers and believers respond in completely different ways. 不信的人是消极负面,连求生的指望都绝了,因此他们没有心思吃饭。  Unbelievers are negative and lose all hope of survival, so they have no desire to eat. 而大有信心的保罗宣告:“我的神已经应许,大家都不会失丧性命。”  But Paul, who had great faith, declared: "My God has promised that no one will lose his life." 并且他还安慰:“众位,你们可以放心,我信神他怎样对我说,事情也要怎样成就。”  He also comforted them: "So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me." 何等与众不同的影响力!信神的人在任何危难时刻都为荣耀至高的主作见证。  What an extraordinary influence! Believers bear witness to the glory of the Most High Lord in times of any crisis.


神的话怎么说必怎么成就,祂是照着祂的话来行事的,出于祂的话没有一句不带着能力的。  What God says will come true. He acts according to His word, for nothing will be impossible with God. 

保罗在危难中有平安,因他不但心里有主的话,更是深信神的话。  Paul found peace in times of crisis because he not only had the Lord’s words in his heart but also believed them deeply.


那日,经验丰富的船员和波涛澎拜的大海,似乎都在告诉保罗得救的指望断绝了。 That day, the experienced crew and the raging sea seemed to tell Paul that all hope of salvation was lost. 然而,保罗却因信不看环境、不信人的经验,只信神对他所说的话,后来事情就照神的话成就了。  However, Paul did not look at the circumstances or human experience; he only believed in what God said to him. Later, events unfolded just as God had said.


多少信心的伟人为神作了美好的见证:我从不看困难有多么的大,而是要看我的神有多么的伟大,祂的应许永不落空。  Many men of faith have borne wonderful testimonies to God: I never focus on how great the difficulties are, but on how great my God is, and His promises never fail. 因祂活着,祂在管理着我一生的所有境遇。只要信,就必看见神的荣耀。 Because He lives, He manages all the circumstances of my life. As long as you believe, you will see the glory of God.


主啊,在我们的人生暴风雨中,你每次的打击,每次的苦难,都是因你长阔高深的爱,是要提升我们的信心,与你的关系更亲密,叫我们的信心被火试验之后更显宝贵;  Lord, in the storms of our lives, every blow and every suffering is because of Your unfailing and endless love. It is for the purpose to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to You, making our faith more precious after being tested by fire, 是为让我们可以在任何的风暴中不畏缩,不胆怯,心坚定于你,眼目专注于你,不看环境,单凭你口中所说的一切话,  so that we will not fear or be timid in any storm, by keeping our hearts steadfast on You and our eyes focused on You, not looking at our surroundings but relying solely on all Your words. 信你在洪水泛滥之时,依然坐着为王,活出基督里的平安;  We believe that You sat enthroned at the Flood, yes, You sit as King forever., so that we may live out the peace in Christ. 是为我们相信你怎样说,事情必要怎样成就,我必不致死,仍要存活,并要传扬耶和华的作为;  It is for the purpose that we may trust what You said will come to accomplish, that I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done. 是为使神国有更多忠心至死的“保罗”出现,影响周围的人,带去安慰和祝福,引人归主。  It is for the purpose that there be more "Pauls" in the Kingdom of God, who are loyal till death, who can influence people around them, bring comfort and blessings, and lead people to the Lord. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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