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【徒27:11】但百夫长信从掌船的和船主,不信从保罗所说的。【Acts27:11】But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship.

发表于 2024-06-21

保罗凡事寻求神,得着从神来的启示:这次行船,不但货物和船,连性命都要受到损害。但是百夫长信从有航海经验的船主和掌船的,不信从“被囚”的保罗所说的。Paul sought God in all things and received revelations from Him: this voyage would result in the loss of not only the cargo and the ship but also lives. However, the centurion trusted the experienced shipowner and the pilot more than the "prisoner" Paul.船上多半的人都支持前行。听从人的结果是:他们遇到了狂风巨浪,连活命的指望都绝了。信靠神的人却不被环境所左右。The majority on the ship supported that they should sail on. As a result of following human advice, they encountered a violent storm and waves, losing all hope of survival. Yet those who trusted in God were not swayed by their circumstances.


保罗服在人的权下,没有生气、恼怒,没有埋怨、责怪。保罗早已将生死置之度外,他信神掌权,信神叫万事互相效力。Paul, under human authority, did not become angry or resentful, nor did he complain or blame others. Paul had long since disregarded life and death, believing in God's sovereignty and that all things God works for good.保罗所说的话一句也不落空,使人看到保罗所信的神是真的。最终船上276人全部得着拯救。哈利路亚!信耶和华我们的神就必立稳;信祂的先知就必亨通!Every word Paul spoke came true, demonstrating the reality of the God he believed in. Ultimately, all 276 people on board were saved. Hallelujah! Have faith in the Lord our God and we will be upheld; have faith in His prophets and we will be successful.


主啊,求你赦免我,看环境就惧怕,听从人的话,人都是瞎眼和说谎的。信自己,照着自己认为好的去行事,自己却是罪的奴仆。Lord, please forgive me for fearing the circumstances and listening to human words, for all men are blind and deceitful. I trust in myself and act according to what I think is right, yet I am a slave to sin.患难来临时,这一切都靠不住。因着不信、怀疑,多少痛苦白白受。主啊,你曾向我侧耳,我一生要求告你!你活着!你是真的!你永远良善!你掌权直到永远!In times of trouble, none of this can be relied upon. Because of unbelief and doubt, I have suffered much unnecessary pain. Lord, You turned Your ear to me, and I will call on You as long as I live! You are alive! You are real! You are forever good! You reign forever!


主,你配得我全心全意来信靠你!求圣灵破除我里面一切不信的坚固营垒,人的意念都是虚妄的,惟有神是真实的!Lord, You are worthy of my wholehearted trust! I pray that the Holy Spirit will break down all the strongholds of unbelief within me, for human thoughts are futile, but God is true!求圣灵掌管我,信神和神所差来的人对我所说的话,定意单单寻求耶稣,竭力否定自己,弃绝谎言,无论是生是死,让基督在我里面掌权,因信冒险、顺服,使身边的人也看到神的大能。I ask the Holy Spirit to govern me so that I may believe in God and the words spoken to me by those He has sent. May I resolve to seek Jesus alone, strive to deny myself, reject lies, and whether in life or death, let Christ reign in me. By taking risks and obeying in faith, may those around me also see the power of God. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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