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【徒26:19】亚基帕王啊,我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。【Acts26:19】So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven.

发表于 2024-06-20

保罗在亚基帕王面前受审时,讲到自己人生的转变,是在大马色路上所见的异象,对王说:我故此没有违背那从天上来的异象。When Paul was on trial before King Agrippa, he talked about the transformation of his life, which was the vision he saw on the road to Damascus. He said to the king: "Therefore I did not disobey the vision that came from heaven.蒙主的拣选,叫我明白他的旨意,将我所看见所听见的对着万人为他作见证。因是从天上来的异象,故此没有违背过,可以为此不顾性命,宁可得罪人也不得罪神,宁可死也要顺服神的旨意,坚定的完成神的托付和使命。I have been chosen by the Lord to understand His will and to bear witness to Him to all people about what I have seen and heard. Because it is a vision from heaven, it has not been violated. I’m willing to risk my life for it. I would rather offend people than offend God. I would rather die than disobey God’s will and resolutely complete God’s entrustment and mission."


从天上来的异象改变了保罗的人生,也决定了他一生的方向,主啊,我当做什么?复活的主赐给他的使命,让他成为外邦人的使徒,这是神的呼召,主的差遣,为义受苦,保罗一生为此而奔跑。The vision from heaven changed Paul's life and determined the direction of his life. "Lord, what should I do?" The mission given to him by the resurrected Lord was to become an apostle to the Gentiles. This was God’s call and the Lord’s sending. Paul dedicated his life to this mission, suffering for righteousness.他把自己浇奠在神的跟前,至死忠心,在他死之前,他得着神喜悦的明证,他知道有公义的冠冕为他存留。He poured himself out as a sacrifice before God and remained faithful until death. Before he died, he received evidence of God's favour. He knew that a crown of righteousness was reserved for him.


何等美好的结局,保罗身上带着耶稣的印记,一生在充满困苦、艰难、试炼、危险的环境下从不退后,坚守异象,忠心到底。What a wonderful ending. Paul bore the mark of Jesus. Throughout his life, he never backed down in an environment full of hardships, trials, and dangers. He stuck to his vision and was faithful to the end.直到最后他说:打过了美好的仗,跑尽了当跑的路,守住了所信的道,荣耀的完成了使命。此刻,圣灵啊,求你来冲击我的心,领我悔改归正,不再追求那朽坏的,地上的一切都要过去,惟有神的国是存到永远。Until the end, he said: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." At this moment, Holy Spirit, please come and impact my heart, lead me to repent and convert, and no longer pursue corruption. Everything on earth will pass away, but the kingdom of God will last forever.


多少宣教士领受天上的异象,撇下一下所有,献上生命行完自己的路程,让神的福音广传,我因此得了这份宝贵的救恩。Many missionaries have received visions from heaven, left everything behind, and dedicated their lives to complete their journey so that the gospel of God can be spread widely. Because of this, I have received this precious salvation.主啊,你的呼声再次响起,庄稼熟了,收割庄稼的工人在哪里呢?谁愿意为我而去,谁肯为我而去呢?主啊,我在这里,请差遣我,效仿保罗不违背天上来的异象,为爱主,勇敢前行,一生奉献,永不回头,为那公义的冠冕争战到底。Lord, Your call is heard again. “The harvest is ripe, but where are the harvesters? Who is willing to go for me?” Lord, I am here, please send me to imitate Paul and not disobey the vision from heaven. For the love of the Lord, move forward bravely, dedicate my life, never look back, and fight to the end for the crown of righteousness. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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