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【徒23:11】当夜,主站在保罗旁边说:“放心吧!你怎样在耶路撒冷为我作见证,也必怎样在罗马为我作见证。”【Acts23:11】The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.”

发表于 2024-06-20

保罗在他一生的旅行布道当中,照着神的呼召他必要为主的名受许多的苦,但神应许恩典够他用。Paul, throughout his missionary journeys, had to endure many sufferings for the Lord's name as God called him to do, but God promised that His grace was sufficient for him.在受到无数的压力、攻击和毁谤,几乎丧命的时候,以马内利的神就出现,神超越一切,他无所不知、无所不在、也无所不能。In the face of immense pressure, attacks, andslander, when Paul was nearly losing his life, the God of Immanuel appeared. God transcends all; He is omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent.夜间,神竟然站在保罗旁边,说放心吧,勇敢往前行,有我与你同在,神亲自安慰他的伤痛,并坚固他的信心。At night, God stood nearPaul and said, “Take courage! Move forward bravely, for I am with you.” God Himself comforted Paul's pain and strengthened his faith.


你怎样在耶路撒冷为我作见证,也必怎样在罗马为我作见证。这是一个何等不平凡的夜晚,充满了亮光和荣耀。“As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” What an extraordinary night it was, filled with light and glory.主在异象中显现,亲自对他说:放心吧,尽管前面困难重重,我已胜过死亡阴间的权势,胜过环境,你必在罗马为我作见证。The Lord appeared to Paul in a vision and personally said to him, “Take courage! Although there are many difficulties ahead, I have overcome the powers of death and Hades, and the circumstances. You must also testify for me in Rome.” 主说有就有,命立就立,福音要照神的旨意必传到地极。保罗甘心为主的名受难受死,见证主已复活。For Godspoke, and it came to be; He commanded, and it stood firm.The gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth according to God's will. Paul willingly suffered and even faced death for the Lord's name, testifying that the Lord has risen.


魔鬼虽然猖獗,主必得胜,击败所有仇敌,主为信靠他的人开辟道路。是的,进入神的国要经历许多的艰难,学生不能大过老师,Though the devil is rampant, the Lord will prevail, defeating all enemies. The Lord makes a way for those who trust in Him. Indeed, entering the kingdom of God requires enduring many hardships. A student is not above the teacher.在火一样的试炼中,站在保罗身边的主今天也站在我们身边,鼓励安慰我们勇敢为他作见证:放心吧,我必与你同在,不看环境,只凭信心,专心恒切祷告赞美,即或不然,死就死吧,仍然要将神的福音传扬。In the fiery trials, the Lord who stood near Paul stands near us today, encouraging and comforting us to boldly testify for Him: “Take courage; I will be with you. Do not look at the circumstances but live by faith. Pray and praise with a steadfast heart. Even if it means facing death, so be it, but we will still proclaim the gospel of God."


主啊,你看圣民之死极为宝贵,有你与我们同在就不再惧怕、胆怯、灰心、绝望、逃跑。Lord, precious in the sight of You is the death of Your faithful servants. With You by our side, we no longer fear, lose courage, feel disheartened, despair, or flee.信,你带我们进入试炼,是为训练我们的生命更像你,与神的国有份,在信心里更多经历你的真实,By faith, we believe that You lead us into trials to shape our lives to be more like Yours, to partake in the kingdom of God, and to experience Your reality more deeply through faith.无论身处在何等艰难的环境,相信你的慈爱比生命更美好,以致我们更有信心见证、传扬你的名,成为你忠心的见证人,荣耀主名。No matter how difficult the circumstances, we believe that Your love is better than life itself, giving us more confidence to witness and proclaim Your name, becoming Your faithful witnesses, and glorifying Your name. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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