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【徒22:15】因为你要将所看见的、所听见的对着万人为他作见证。【Acts22:15】You will be his witness to all people of what you have seen and heard.

发表于 2024-06-20

主在升天之前曾吩咐门徒说:圣灵降临在你们身上,你们就必得着能力;Before His ascension, the Lord instructed His disciples, saying, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作我的见证。and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 神的话怎么说就怎么成就,使徒们、众百姓、神的教会都照着神的心意而行,为他作见证. God's word is fulfilled exactly as it is spoken, the apostles, the people, and the church of God all acted according to God's will and testified for Him.保罗竭力在外邦各国为主作见证,无论是自由之时,或是被捆锁,他都忠心于主的托付,为主作见证。 Paul endeavored to testify for the Lord among the Gentile nations; whether in freedom or in chains, he remained faithful to the Lord's commission, bearing witness for Him.


他说我活着就是基督,何等强而有力的宣告,行耶稣所行,爱耶稣所爱,恨耶稣所恨,每一步无论是生是死总叫耶稣在他身上照常显大,He said, "For to me, to live is Christ," what a powerful declaration. He did as Jesus did, loved what Jesus loved, and hated what Jesus hated. Every step he took, whether in life or death, always Christ will be exalted in his body.为主作见证不顾性命,只为神的旨意成就,为传扬福音完全倾倒自己,把自己所看见所听见所领受的,一点都不避讳传给神所爱的百姓,并以神的慈悲劝神的百姓,要将身体献上当作活祭,这是神所喜悦的。Bearing witness for the Lord, he disregarded his own life, seeking only to fulfill God's will. He poured himself out completely for the spread of the Gospel, sharing everything he saw, heard, and received to God’s beloved people, holding nothing back. With God's mercy, he urged God's people to offer their bodies as a living sacrifice, which is pleasing to God.


是的,神拣选我们是叫我们明白神的旨意,与他同行,见证他复活的大能,见证他的怜悯永不至断绝,见证他的慈爱比生命更美好……Yes, God chose us so that we might understand His will, walk with Him, and testify to His resurrection power, to His unending mercy, and to His lovingkindness that is better than life itself...何等牺牲的爱,救罪人不救自己,为罪人成为赎罪祭,他受鞭伤我们得医治,他受刑罚我们得平安,在最痛的时候为仇敌祈求:父啊,赦免他们,他们所行的他们不晓得。这份爱将冰冷的心融化,转道,不可徒受他的恩典。What a sacrificial love, saving sinners without saving Himself, becoming a sin offering for sinners. By His wounds, we are healed; by His punishment, we have peace. In His greatest agony, He prayed for His enemies: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." This love melts the coldest heart and turns us away from the wrong path. Let us not receive His grace in vain.


保罗说,你们该效法我,像我效法基督一样,心存异象,奔赴使命,看受苦为小事,看万事为损失,死也爱主到底,向着标杆直奔,甘愿为主成为一支蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮他人,使更多的灵魂得救。Paul said, "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." With a vision in his heart, he pursued his mission, considering suffering a minor issue and viewing all things as loss. He loved the Lord unto death, pressing on toward the goal. Willingly, he became a candle for the Lord, burning himself to light others, so that more souls might be saved.何等恩典,使如今活着的人不再为自己活,乃为替我们死而复活的主活,活着要成为主的见证,背起自己的十字架,将基督的馨香之气传扬到世界各地。What grace, that those who now live should no longer live for themselves, but for the Lord who died and roseagain. We live to be witnesses for the Lord, taking up our own crosses and spreading the fragrance of Christ throughout the world. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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