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【徒21:36】众人跟在后面,喊着说:“除掉他!”【Acts21:36】The crowd that followed kept shouting, “Get rid of him!”

发表于 2024-06-20

保罗被捕之后,众人喊着说:“除掉他!”曾经有许多人对耶稣喊着说:“除掉他,钉他上十字架!” After Paul was arrested, the crowd that followed kept shouting, “Get rid of him!” Similarly, many once shouted about Jesus, “Take him away! Crucify him!” 耶稣三次预言自己将要在耶路撒冷受苦、受辱、被害,但祂定意去到耶路撒冷,顺服至死,只为成就神的旨意。Jesus foretold three times that He would suffer, be humiliated, and be killed in Jerusalem. Yet, He resolutely went to Jerusalem, obedient unto death, solelyto fulfill God's will.保罗明知道前面有患难和捆锁,仍然不后退,为主的名就是死也愿意。Paul knew that hardships and imprisonment awaited him, yet he did not shrink back. For the sake of the Lord's name, he was willing even to die.


当我们遇到自己不喜欢、意见不合、敌对的人,就生气、恼恨,只想“除掉他”。When we encounter people we dislike, disagree with, or feel antagonistic toward, we get angry and resentful, and we just want to “Get rid of him”.当我们在罪恶之中,与神为仇,本该被除灭的时候,耶稣却向父祈求:父啊,赦免他们,他们所做的他们不晓得。主啊,感谢你,打开宽恕的门,甘心钉死自己,除掉自己,不救自己,为要救我们脱离黑暗的国度。While we were in sin and enemies with God, deserving to be destroyed, Jesus prayed to the Father: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." Lord, thank You for opening the door of forgiveness, willingly crucifying Yourself, denying Yourself, and not saving Yourself to save us from the kingdom of darkness.


谁能除掉耶稣呢?祂死了又活了!神不许可,也无人可以除掉保罗,他仍要存活,并照着神的应许在罗马为主作见证。Who can remove Jesus? He died and rose again! God did not allow anyone to remove Paul either; he would continue to live and bear witness for the Lord in Rome according to God's promise.主啊,你活着,你在掌权!求你赦免我,总想改变别人,除掉别人,却失丧了生命。感谢你兴起各种考试,为要除掉我的罪,除掉我的旧人和旧人里的思想观念…Lord, You are alive and You are in control! Please forgive me for always wanting to change and remove others, losing my own life in the process. Thank You for raising various tests to remove my sins, my old self, and the thoughts and attitudes of my old nature.


主啊,谢谢你付上生命的代价,为要把你丰盛的生命赐给我们。我为什么还要抓着这个有罪的己不放呢?惟有将我的旧人与你同钉上十字架!Lord, thank You for paying the price of Your life to give us Your abundant life. Why do I still cling to this sinful self? The only way is to crucify my old self with You on the cross!在哪一块经历死,就在那里得着复活的生命!何等美好的应许,生命将不再一样!主啊,求你掌管我,每天在生活中操练除掉自己,更多得着你! Wherever we experience death, we will gain resurrection life! What a beautiful promise—life will never be the same! Lord, please reign over me, and help me practice dying to myself daily in my life, so that I may gain more of You! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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