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【徒20:35】我凡事给你们作榜样,叫你们知道应当这样劳苦,扶助软弱的人,又当记念主耶稣的话,说:‘施比受更为有福。’【Acts20:35】In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”

发表于 2024-06-14

保罗在以弗所教会的三年之中,劳苦付出,流泪警醒祷告,百般劝戒,扶助软弱的人,把人带到耶稣的面前。他凡事给众人做榜样。Paul, during his three years at the church in Ephesus, laboured diligently, prayed with tears and vigilance, exhorted in every way, supported the weak, and brought people to Jesus. He set an example for everyone in all things.如今要离开以弗所,他劝勉以弗所的长老要效法他,如同他效法了基督。因着无数忠心的仆人跟随耶稣的榜样,献上自己,我们才得以听到福音,得着拯救。When he was leaving Ephesus, he exhorted the elders of Ephesus to follow his example as he had followed Christ. Because of countless faithful servants who followed the example of Jesus and offered themselves, we have been able to hear the gospel and receive salvation.


耶稣大有权柄能力,却劳苦传道,医治病人,赶出污鬼,顾不上吃饭和睡觉,整夜祷告…Jesus, with great authority and power, laboured tirelessly in preaching, healing the sick, casting out demons. He didn’t have time to eat and sleep, and prayed throughout the night...最后流出宝血,倾倒生命,把我们从罪恶中救回。主啊,我亲眼看到你的仆人怎样效法你,付上时间、精力、钱财、生命…去舍己、付出、给予,使我真实经历到神的爱和大能,得以从软弱中回转…In the end, He shed His precious blood and poured out His life to save us from sin. Lord, I have seen with my own eyes how Your servants imitate You, sacrificing their time, energy, money, and even their lives to deny themselves, give and serve. Through this, I have truly experienced God's love and power, enabling me to turn back from my weaknesses...


天父一直在施予。祂赐下万物,更赐下独生爱子耶稣,还要把永恒的产业赐给我们…The Heavenly Father has always been giving. He has given us all things, and even His only begotten Son, Jesus. He will also grant us an eternal inheritance...主啊,你说“施比受更为有福”,求你赦免我,总是以“得到”钱财、好处、称赞、荣耀为有福,并将这一切占为己有,却忘了我的一切所有都是你的赐予。Lord, You said "it is more blessed to give than to receive." Please forgive me for often considering it a blessing to gain money, benefits, praise, and glory, and for claiming these for myself, forgetting that everything I have is given by You. 我只是管家,照你心意成为给予的管道,这才是有福的。I am just a steward, entrusted to be a channel of giving according to Your will— This is what it truly means to be blessed.

主啊,你的仆人在凡事上给我做了榜样,为要让我去效法跟随。主啊,我在这里,求圣灵帮助我,脱离外面的假冒,从里面丧掉自己的贪婪、自私、自爱、抱怨、委屈…Lord, Your servant has set an example for me in all things, so that I may follow in his footsteps. Lord, here I am. I ask for the Holy Spirit to help me break free outward hypocrisy and to let go of inner greed, selfishness, self-love, complaints, and feelings of being wronged.使我常思想十字架上牺牲的爱,甘心献上一切所有,付上代价,为主而活,扶助软弱的,为主得着失丧的灵魂。May I continually meditate on the sacrificial love displayed on the cross, willingly offering all that I have, paying the price to live for the Lord, supporting the weak, and bringing lost souls back to Him. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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