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【徒20:32】如今我把你们交托神和他恩惠的道;这道能建立你们,叫你们和一切成圣的人同得基业。【Acts20:32】“Now I commit you to God and to the word of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”

发表于 2024-06-13

保罗在临别之前论到众长老和信徒的时候,他说,关于神对教会的旨意,没有一样避讳不说的,都传给了他们。Before Paul's departure, when speaking to the elders and believers, he stated that he had not hesitated to preach to them the whole will of God concerning the church.属灵争战既真实又残酷,不单自己谨慎还需要为全群谨慎,进入神的国要经历许多的艰难,Spiritual warfare is both real and brutal. It requires not only personal vigilance but also watchfulness for the entire flock. We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.面临重重试炼,惟有凡事以神的道为准绳,不以自己性命为念,守护好自己的领土,尽自己的责任,与神建立亲密关系,与一切成圣的人同得基业。In the face of numerous trials, we must adhere to God's Word in all things, not value our own life, guard our territory, fulfill our responsibilities, and establish a close relationship with God, sharing in the inheritance among all those who are sanctified.


好牧人为羊舍命,保罗有为父的心肠,人虽要离开,心却深深的牵挂着神的教会,神的众儿女,The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Paul had a fatherly heart; although he was leaving, his heart was deeply concerned for God’s church and all His children.并劝勉说,你们当纪念我三年之久昼夜不住流泪祈祷劝诫,这路是窄路,是生死交战之路,应当警醒争战,不要入了迷惑。He exhorted them, saying, "Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day with tears." This path is narrow and involves a life-and-death struggle; therefore, you should be vigilant and fight the good fight, avoiding deception.如今,他要离开这地,他相信神,把神的羊交托给神,惟有神和他恩惠的道能保守自己的百姓,脱离凶恶远离试探。Now that he was departing, he trusted in God, entrusting God's sheep to Him, believing that only God and the Word of His grace can keep His people safe from evil and temptation.


神是良善正直的神,他必指示罪人走正路。他道成肉身来到地上,为救罪人牺牲自己,顺服至死且死在十字架上,成了,因他的顺服父得了荣耀。God is a good and upright God; He instructs sinners in His way. He became flesh and came to earth, sacrificing Himself to save sinners, obedient unto death, even death on a cross. It is finished. Through His obedience, the Father was glorified.这道就是神,如今这道就在我们心里,更多渴慕他,昼夜思想神的话,住到主里,去行神眼中看为正的事,有责任使命有呼召与神同行,一生忠心跟从主,种什么收什么,如此行可以和一切成圣的人同得基业。This Word is God, and now this Word is in our hearts. We should desire Him more, meditate on His words day and night, abide in the Lord, and do what is right in God's eyes. We bear the responsibility, mission and calling to walk with God, faithfully follow the Lord throughout our lives. We will reap what we sow. Bydoing so, we will share in the inheritance with all those who are sanctified.


何等美好的盼望,神的话就是灵,就是生命。保罗将他深情的爱和永恒的盼望传递给属神的百姓,深知活在地上只是寄居的,是为得天上的基业而作预备。What a beautiful hope we have! God's Word is spirit and life. Paul conveyed his deep love and eternal hope to God’s people, knowing that living on earth is merely a sojourn, and that we are being prepared for the heavenly inheritance.主啊,使我的心归向你,眼目喜悦你的道路,每天归零,否定自己,用神的道来建立自己和神的教会,竭力保守你所赐的领土,看护好群羊,渴慕领受你恩惠的道,让属灵生命得以长大成人,承受天上的基业,使主心意得满足。Lord, turn my heart to You, let my eyes delight in Your ways. Every day, let me reset, deny myself, using Your Word to build up myself and Your church. I strive to diligently guard the territory You have given, to take care of the flock, and to earnestly seek and receive the Word of Your grace. May myspiritual life grow to maturity, inherit the heavenly inheritance, and fulfill the Lord’s heart. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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