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【徒20:28】圣灵立你们作全群的监督,你们就当为自己谨慎,也为全群谨慎,牧养神的教会,就是他用自己血所买来的(或作“救赎的”)。【Acts20:28】Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.

发表于 2024-06-12

保罗将要离开以弗所教会,并且圣灵向他指出,前面将有捆锁和患难等候他。Paul was about to leave the church at Ephesus, and the Holy Spirit showed him that there would be prison and hardships waiting for him ahead.然而牧人的心肠是不以自己的性命为念,也不看为宝贵,保罗心中挂念的是神的羊,特意嘱咐以弗所教会的长老,必有凶暴的豺狼进来,要记得从圣灵来的呼召,为自己,为全群谨慎,牧养神的教会。However, the heart of a shepherd does not care about his own life of any value or precious to himself. What Paul's concern is for God's flock. He specifically told the elders of the church in Ephesus that there would be savage wolves coming in. He reminded them to remember the call from the Holy Spirit, to be vigilant for themselves and for the entire flock, and to shepherd the church of God.


主啊,你是好牧人,你甘心为羊舍命,用自己的血把我们买赎回来,使我们回到父的家。Lord, You are the Good Shepherd. You willingly laid down Your life for the sheep,redeeming us with Your own blood, so that we can return to the Father’s house.保罗效法了耶稣,三年之久尽上忠心,眼中流泪,为群羊守望,百般地讲明神的旨意,劝戒各人当向神悔改,信靠主耶稣基督。如今以弗所教会的牧人,要担当起守护、牧养的职责。这也是神给我们的托付。Paul imitated Jesus and faithfully served for three years. With tears in his eyes, he watched over the flock. He tirelessly explained God’s will and exhorted everyone to repent to God and trust in the Lord Jesus. Now the shepherds of the church in Ephesus must take up the responsibilities of guarding and shepherding the flock. This is also the commission God has given us.


主,求你赦免我信从谎言、责怪人、埋怨神…给了仇敌入侵的机会,使我和身边的人落在各种可怕的咒诅中,被欺压和杀害…Lord, please forgive me for believing lies, blaming others, and complaining against You. These actions have given the enemy an opportunity to invade, causing thosearound me and myself to fall under various terrible curses, oppression, and harm.我的救主耶稣,为了救赎我们,付上了生命的代价,争战到死,却从死里复活!主啊,我要回转向你,依靠你的恩典和能力,我要起来争战,夺回失去的领地。My Savior Jesus paid the price of His life, fought to the death, yet rose from the dead in order to redeem us! Lord, I want to turn to You and rely on Your grace and power. I will rise to fight and reclaim the lost territory.


看哪,犹大的狮子已得胜!神在训练我们像祂一样。Behold, the Lion of Judah has triumphed! God is training us to be like Him.主啊,我的生命属于你,求圣灵掌管我,守好自己的心门,在你的爱中,为着你所托付我的教会、家庭、工作场所,为着你的国度,用尽我的一生,与你同工,警醒祷告、守望、与仇敌争战到底,夺回失丧的灵魂,恢复、捍卫、扩展神的国度在全地上。Lord, my life belongs to You. I ask the Holy Spirit to take control of me, guard the door of my heart, and use me to the best of my ability in Your love for the church, family, and workplace that You have entrusted to me, and for Your kingdom. Throughout my life, I will be vigilant in prayer, watchful and fight the enemy to the end, win back lost souls, and restore, defend, and expand the kingdom of God throughout the earth.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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