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【徒16:25-26】25约在半夜,保罗和西拉祷告,唱诗赞美 神,众囚犯也侧耳而听。 26忽然,地大震动,甚至监牢的地基都摇动了,监门立刻全开,众囚犯的锁链也都松开了。【Acts16:25-26】25About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. 26Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.

发表于 2024-06-06

使徒保罗和西拉在腓立比因为赶出使女身上的鬼,让主人们得利的指望没有了,Apostle Paul and Silas were in Philippi, where they cast out a demon from a female slave, causing her owners to lose their hope of making money.他们便揪住保罗和西拉,还诬陷说骚扰他们的城,众人同心攻击他们,还遭棍打后囚禁于监狱,They seized Paul and Silas, falsely accusing them of throwing the city into an uproar. The crowd joined in attacking them, and after being beaten with rods, they were imprisoned. 虽然他们的自由被限制,却限制不了他们对神的赞美,他们不看身上的伤和当下的处境,而是在黑夜中祷告赞美神,监狱瞬间变成了敬拜神的地方,众囚犯侧耳而听。Although their freedom was restricted, their praise to God was not. They did not focus on their wounds or their current situation, butprayed and praised God in the darkness of the night. The prison instantly transformed into a place of worship, and the other prisoners listened attentively.


圣灵降在他们身上他们必得着能力,神与他们同在。在试炼中,他们虽至于死也不爱惜性命,完全顺服神所赐的一切环境,只为主的旨意成就,The Holy Spirit came upon them, and they received power because God was with them. In their trials, they did not love their own lives so muchas to shrink from death, being fully obedient to God, only to fulfill the Lord’s will. 随处都是祷告的祭坛,随处都是敬拜赞美的场地,不畏惧看得见的捆锁而担惊受怕,反而为看不见的自由而喜乐高歌,死在他们身上发动生在狱卒身上发动,神叫狱卒全家信主得救。Everywhere became an altar of prayer, everywhere a place of worship and praise. They were not afraid of visible chains, insteadrejoicing and singing for the invisible freedom. Death worksin them, while life works in the jailer. God brings salvation to the jailer’s entire household and they were saved.


哈利路亚,神是解开罪人锁链的神,是患难中赐下平安喜乐的神,更是胜过死亡得释放自由的神。是的,阿们,当我求告当赞美的耶和华,神必要把我从仇敌手中救出来。Hallelujah, God is the one who breaks the chains of sinners, the God who grants peace and joy in trouble, and the God who conquers death to bring freedom. Yes, amen, God will deliver me from the hand of my enemies when I call upon the Lord and praise His name. 不再遇到困难就灰心失望、看自己、发抱怨、责怪、恨人,我岂知好知歹呢?若是神的旨意让我进入试炼与他同工,让人的灵魂得救,让我主的名得荣耀,这是神赐我何等的美福。No longer will I become discouraged, look inward, complain, blame, or hate others when I encounter difficulties. How can I know what is good or bad? If it is God's will for me to enter trials and work with Him to save souls and glorify the name of my Lord, what a beautiful blessing God has given me.


至高的救主我赞美你,借着保罗和西拉所行的让我认识属灵法则,不凭眼见只凭信心,顺服到底,以祷告来争战,以赞美来夸胜,不看困难有多么的大,而是看我们的神有多么的伟大,Most High Savior, I praise You. Through what Paul and Silas did, You have taught me spiritual principles: to live by faith, not by sight, to obey to the end, to fight with prayer, and to boast in praise. I will not look at how great the difficulties are, but at how great our God is. 在任何危机的黑暗时刻,大声地祷告唱诗赞美神,赞美中信心不断的升起,那些监禁我们的门如今都要猛然打开,那些捆绑我们手脚的锁链都要被断开,哈利路亚,神得胜又得胜!In every dark crisis, I will pray, sing hymns, and praise God loudly. In praise, faith continually rises. The prison doors that confine us will suddenly open, the chains that bind our hands and feet will be broken. Hallelujah, God is victorious again and again! (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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