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【徒15:26】这二人是为我主耶稣基督的名不顾性命的。【Acts 15:26】men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

发表于 2024-06-05

保罗、巴拿巴是为主耶稣基督的名不顾性命的人,他们在旅行布道的事工中,随时都有丧命的危险,他们却在危险中勇敢前行,将生命置之度外。Paul and Barnabas were fearless servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, risking their lives for His name. As they journeyed to spread the gospel, they faced constant peril, yet they pressed on courageously, disregarding their own lives.还坚固门徒要他们恒守所信的道,进入神的国必须经历许多的艰难。在路司得,保罗被石头打得昏了过去,醒来之后,继续前行,不顾个人安危,只为传扬主名。They strengthened the disciples and encouraged them to remain true to the faith, teaching that “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God”(Acts 14:22). In Lystra, Paul was stoned and left unconscious, but when he regained consciousness, he persisted in his mission, undeterred by personal peril, solely focused on proclaiming the name of the Lord.


巴拿巴因着主耶稣舍命的爱被吸引,他摆上自己,成为福音的勇士。保罗在大马士革路上蒙光照而悔改,从逼迫教会的,变成了为主不要命的使徒。Barnabas was drawn by the sacrificial love of the Lord Jesus, offering himself as a valiant warrior for the gospel. Paul, on the road to Damascus, was enlightened and repented. From persecuting the church, he transformed into an apostle who counted his life as nothing for the sake of the Lord.他为福音癫狂,看万事如粪土,遭受迫害却始终如一的执着。是那份神圣的爱融化了他,神圣的使命占有了他,为从天上来的异象,使他为主癫狂。He was zealous for the gospel, considering all things as rubbish, enduring persecution with unwavering devotion. It was the divine love that melted his heart, the holy mission that consumed him, and the heavenly vision that drove him zealous for the Lord.


在教会历史的长河中,那为主癫狂,不顾性命的宣教士们,他们为主的名不顾一切,不以自己的性命为念,也不看自己的性命为宝贵,单单以基督的心为心,为神国的复兴,失丧灵魂的得救,Throughout the long history of the church, those zealous missionaries who were willing to risk everything for the Lord's name did not consider their own lives precious. They took on the mind of Christ, prioritising the revival of God's kingdom and the salvation of lost souls.他们义无反顾,离开本土,去往他乡,经历风雨、生死、火一样的试炼,看受苦为小事,因他们对主爱的执着,带动了时代的复兴,使我们得以听见这宝贵的福音。They embarked on their missions without hesitation, leaving their homeland for distant lands, enduring storms, facing death, and enduring fiery trials. They considered suffering as trivial. Through their steadfast devotion to the Lord, they sparked revivals that echoed through the ages, allowing us to hear the precious gospel message.


主啊,你看圣民至死极为宝贵,看到这些如云彩般的见证人为你的名可以不顾性命,为你癫狂,来冲击我的心,我要什么呢?我活着的意义不再是得地上的好处,为自己的罪和私欲,虚荣、名利、享乐、情感……Lord, You see the preciousness of Your saints who are faithful unto death. Witnessing these cloud-like witnesses who, for Your name's sake, are willing to disregard their lives and become zealous for You, deeply impacts my heart. What do I desire anymore? The meaning of my life is no longer to seek earthly benefits, nor to live to indulge in sin and selfish desires, vanity, fame, wealth, pleasure, or Romantic love...各样属世的诱惑不顾性命,而是,效仿这些属灵伟人不顾性命,撇下一切所有来跟随主,甘心献上自己的生命,只为讨神喜悦。因主应许:凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为主丧掉生命的,必救了生命。nor to risk my life for worldly temptations. Instead, I seek to imitate these spiritual giants who risked their lives, forsaking everything to follow You, offering my life willingly to solely please God. For the Lord has promised: "Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will save it." (郭姊妹, sister Guo)


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