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【徒14:22】坚固门徒的心,劝他们恒守所信的道,又说:“我们进入神的国,必须经历许多艰难。”【Acts14:22】strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. “We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God,” they said.

发表于 2024-06-03

神差了保罗和巴拿巴,去到各教会,坚固门徒的心。God sent Paul and Barnabas to various churches to strengthen the hearts of the disciples.一次信而遵行神的命令容易,恒守所信的道不容易,因为这条跟随的路上,充满了仇敌的陷阱,撒但的试探,各种私欲的迷惑。It is easy to obeyGod's command once by faith, but it is not easy to remain true to the faith because this path of following is filled with the enemies’ traps, Satan's temptations, and the enticements of various desires.使徒明明地告诉我们:想要恒守所信的道,想要进入神的国,必须经历许多艰难。这是必经之路。The apostles clearly tell us that to remain true to the faithand enter the kingdom of God, we must go through many hardships. This is the necessary path.


我的主满有权柄能力,却受尽各种拒绝、羞辱、鞭伤、刑罚…为我的罪死在十字架上。My Lord, full of authority and power, endured all kinds of rejection, humiliation, scourging, and punishment, and died on the cross for my sins.摩西、约瑟、大卫,众先知,十二使徒,多少的宣教士…跟随耶稣走上了十字架的路。Moses, Joseph, David, the prophets, the twelve apostles, and many missionaries followed Jesus on the path of the cross.他们经历各种患难困苦,在信靠、祈求、忍耐、等候、死己中,与主建立了亲密的关系。他们虽然死了,却因信仍旧说话。They went through all kinds of trials and hardships, and through their faith, prayer, patience, waiting, and self-denial, they established an intimate relationship with the Lord. Although they have died, they still speak by faith.


主啊,当我被罪迷惑,心地刚硬时;当我失去信心,被仇敌欺压时;当我落在咒诅之下无望时,谢谢你的爱不放弃我,谢谢你差你的仆人来坚固我的心。Lord, when I am deceived by sin and my heart is hardened; when I lose faith and am oppressed by the enemies; when I am hopeless under the curse, thank You for Your unfailing love that does not abandon me. Thank You for sending Your servant to strengthen my heart.主啊,我为自己的罪,吃尽了苦头。主,你走过的路,虽有艰难,却有复活的盼望和喜乐。我要选择你的道路,求你钉痕的手引领我。Lord, I have suffered greatly because of my sins. The path You walked, though difficult, has the hope and joy of resurrection. I choose Your way; please lead me with Your nail-pierced hands.


主啊,求你也坚固正在经历患难试炼的肢体,使他们恒守所信的道,成为更多人的安慰和帮肋。Lord, please also strengthen the members who are experiencing trials and hardships, so they may remain true to the faith and become a source of comfort and help to many others.主啊,也为着正在为罪受苦的肢体祈求,使我们受苦以后,更深认识你的爱和拯救,定意离弃罪恶,转向你的恩典,重新起来跟随你。Lord, I also pray for the members suffering because of sin. May we know Your love and salvation more deeplyafter suffering, determined to forsake sin, turn to Your grace, and rise again to follow You.主啊,带领你的教会,在你的患难、国度、忍耐里一同有份!Lord, lead Your church to partake in Your suffering, kingdom, and patience together!(付传道Pastor Fu)


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