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【徒13:22】既废了扫罗,就选立大卫作他们的王,又为他作见证说:‘我寻得耶西的儿子大卫,他是合我心意的人,凡事要遵行我的旨意。’【Acts 13:22】After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.'

发表于 2024-06-02

保罗再次向犹太人回顾历史。神亲自为大卫作见证:他是合我心意的人。因为大卫凡事遵行神的旨意。Paul once again recounted the history to the Jews. God Himself testified for David: he is a man after My own heart. For David did everything according to God's will.经上说:大卫除了赫人乌利亚那件事,都是行耶和华眼中看为正的事,一生没有违背耶和华一切所吩咐的(王上15:5)。The Bible says: For David had done what was right in the eyes of the LORD and had not failed to keep any of the LORD's commands all the days of his life-except in the case of Uriah the Hittite.( 1 Kings 15:5)大卫在与神的亲密相交中,得着神儿子的启示,并去效法跟随。David, through intimate communion with God, received revelations from the Son of God and followed His example.


大卫的父母离弃他,他却投靠在神的怀里。David's parents abandoned him, but he sought refuge in the arms of God.他被膏立要作王,打败哥利亚,却被扫罗追杀。大卫多少次在软弱和眼泪中,军兵四面环绕时,他有一件事就是到神面前求问,他信神活着,神在掌权。He was anointed to be king and defeated Goliath, yet was pursued by Saul. Many times, in weakness and tears, with enemies surrounding him, David did one thing: he inquired of God and trusted that God is alive and sovereign.神一次次回应了他的呼求!扫罗被交在他手中,他却信神的公义,去饶恕爱仇敌…God responded to his cries time and time again! When Saul was delivered into his hands, he trusted in God's righteousness and chose to forgive and love his enemies...


大卫被塑造成为神儿子的生命,成为合神心意的,使神的心得满足。David was shaped into a life that resembled the Son of God, becoming a man after God's own heart, bringing delight to God's heart. 主,当我只想照自己的意思行,就成为与你为仇的,求你赦免我,叫圣灵担忧了。Lord, when I act according to my own will, I become Your enemy. Please forgive me for grieving the Holy Spirit.多少次,我说求你塑造我,却没有真相信:各种环境是你在试验我的心,肯不肯放下自己手所抓的,来信靠你,遵行你的命令? How many times have I asked to be molded by You, yet I did not truly believe that the various circumstances were You testing my heart. Am I willing to let go of what I cling to, to trust You and obey Your commands?


主,谢谢你为遵行父的旨意死在十字架上,使我可以回转到你面前。你要得着更多合你心意的儿子,你的旨意永远良善。Lord, thank You for dying on the cross in obedience to the Father's will, so that I can return to You. You desire to have more sons after Your own heart. Your will is always good.主啊,带领我常思想你的脚踪,思想大卫的脚踪,使我因信你要炼净我的心,来寻求你,丧掉自己的权利、利益、面子、自尊…行饶恕爱人的道,追求与神合一,活出神的荣耀。Lord, lead me to constantly reflect on Your footsteps and on David's footsteps, so that through faith, I may believe You are refining my heart to seek You. Help me to surrender my rights, interests, reputation (face), and pride, to walk the path of forgiveness and love, to pursue unity with God, and to live out God's glory.(付传道Pastor Fu)


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