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【徒13:2】他们侍奉主,禁食的时候,圣灵说:“要为我分派巴拿巴和扫罗,去做我召他们所做的工。”【Acts13:2】While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

发表于 2024-05-31

教会逼迫越大,神迹奇事越多,教会复兴被圣灵充满,爱主的人更愿意与主亲近,和圣灵有好关系,他们放下自己吃喝的权力,为要得着圣灵更大的能力,为主而去。The greater the persecution of the church, the more miracles and wonders occur. The church is revived and filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who love the Lord are more willing to draw near to Him and have a good relationship with the Holy Spirit. They lay down their right to eat and drink to receive greater power from the Holy Spirit and go forth for the Lord.安提阿教会的几位同工一起祷告、禁食,倒空自己,谦卑在神面前,迫切地寻求神的心意,圣灵就指示他们,要为我差派巴拿巴和扫罗出去宣教,做圣灵召他们所做的工。Several coworkers in the church of Antioch prayed and fasted together, emptying themselves, humbling themselves before God, and urgently seeking His will. The Holy Spirit then instructed them to set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work to which He had called them.


他们从圣灵领受这份宣教使命,倾倒一切,在极大的挑战中在各地传扬主道。Receiving this missionary commission from the Holy Spirit, they poured out everything, spreading the Lord’s word in various places amid great challenges.福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的人。神国因为他们这些宣教士心存使命、呼召,将福音要传到地极,The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Because of these missionaries, who carried the mission and calling of the kingdom of God, the gospel was spread to the ends of the earth.不顾自己的性命,只为神的旨意成就,完全被圣灵引领,被圣灵掌权,除灭魔鬼的作为,彰显神的大能,让看见的都信了耶稣的名。They disregarded their own lives, solely seeking to fulfill God's will and being completely led and controlled by the Holy Spirit. They destroyed the works of the devil, manifested God’s power, and led many who witnessed these things to believe in the name of Jesus.


主啊,你是宣教的主,至高的君王,来到地上降卑为人,把自己打造成奴仆的样式,为救罪人,顺服至死且死在十字架上,父得了荣耀,救恩成了。Lord, You are the Lord of missions, the Most High King, who humbled Yourself and came to earth to become a man. You took on the form of a servant to save sinners, obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. The Father was glorified, and salvation was accomplished.这份爱感动多少宣教士抛家舍业,放下今生的享乐,只为得着你。This love has moved many missionaries to leave their homes and possessions, giving up worldly pleasures to gain You.何等感恩这些宣教士对你的敬畏,他们效仿你的每一个脚踪,裂开自己,不求回报,用生命来换生命,播下福音的种子。How grateful we are for these missionaries' reverence for You. They follow every step of Your path, breaking themselves open without seeking reward, exchanging their lives to save others, and sowing the seeds of the gospel.


主啊,谢谢你差遣扫罗和巴拿巴出去宣教,使外邦人得着救恩。今天你的呼声再次响起:庄稼熟了,收割庄稼的工人在哪里呢?有谁肯为我而去呢?Lord, thank You for sending Saul and Barnabas out to evangelise, bringing salvation to the Gentiles. Today, Your call rings out again: "The harvest is plentiful, but where are the workers to gather it? Who is willing to go for Me?"主啊:我在这里,请差遣我,我愿为你去,将自己身体献上当作活祭,专一侍奉你,好叫世界得知你的道路,万国得知你的救恩。Lord, here I am; please send me. I am willing to go for You, to offer my body as a living sacrifice, devoted solely to serving You,so that the world may know Your ways and all nations may know Your salvation. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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