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【徒12:5】于是彼得被囚在监里;教会却为他切切地祷告神。【Acts 12:5】So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.

发表于 2024-05-30

神的道日见兴旺,越发广传,看不见的国度有两股势力在交战,彼得被希律下在监里,教会却切切为他祷告神. The way of God was prospering day by day, spreading ever wider and farther. In the unseen realms, two opposing forces were in battle. Peter was imprisoned by Herod, yet the church earnestly prayed to God for him.义人必不怕凶恶的信息,因为他们坚定地倚靠神,教会没有做任何人手的动作,而是聚在一起,心中火热,持续不断的恳切祷告,相信神必然掌权,信就看见了神的荣耀。The righteous did not fear bad news, for they firmly trusted in God. The church did not rely on human efforts, but gathered together with fervent hearts, continuously and earnestly praying, believing that God surely reigns. And indeed, by faith, they saw the glory of God.空的监狱说明了争战的结果,迫害失败,教会得胜。The empty prison testified to the outcome of the struggle; persecution was defeated, and the church was victorious.


神从不误事,他在天上察看有寻求的没有,有明白的没有,当人领受了是灵界的争战,不看环境不看人,真相信惹事的根在乎耶和华,定意冒死忠心顺服至死,出于他的默然不语,只管尽自己当尽的本分,保守自己的心,切切祷告掌管万有的主,到了神的时间就看到全能的主施行奇事。God is never late; He watches from heaven to see who is seeking and who understands. When people recognize that the true battle is in the spiritual realm, they do not focus on circumstances or people, but rather truly believe that the root of all matters lies with the Lord. They are determined to be faithful and obedient unto death and remain silent before Him. They focus solely on fulfilling their duties and guarding their hearts, earnestly praying to the Lord who reigns over all things. When God's timing comes, they witness the Almighty performing miracles.


彼得和教会同时在试炼中都经历了主的信实,他们昼夜不停息,情词迫切的祷告蒙了应允。他是开路者,打发他的使者来断开锁链、打开监门,使一切的不可能都成为可能,转危为安,彼得自由了,他们的信使他们经历了神迹。Both Peter and the church experienced the faithfulness of the Lord amidst their trials. They prayed fervently and ceaselessly day and night, and their prayers were answered. He is the Waymaker, sending His angel to break chains and open prison doors, turning the impossibleinto possible and danger into safety. Peter was set free, and their faith led them to witness a miracle.主啊,这一刻,因信,我放下心中的重担,卸下所有罪的缠累,效仿他们切切的祷告,脱离我生命中的铁链、铁门,从属灵的监里走出来,得着自由和释放。 Lord, at this moment, by faith, I lay down the burdens in my heart, casting off the entanglements of sin. I emulate their earnest prayers, breaking free from the spiritual chains and prison doors in my life, to receive freedom and deliverance.


主啊,感谢你的恩情,用你的血救我脱离罪恶,当我被囚在监里,是你用止不住的叹息为我祷告,借着你的仆人为我昼夜哭求,使我软弱得刚强,与教会一同起来打属灵的仗。Lord, I thank You for Your grace, for saving me from sin with Your blood. When I was imprisoned, it was You who prayed for me with unceasing sighs by the Holy Spirit, and through Your servants who cried out for me day and night, You made me strong in my weakness. Together with the church, I rise to fight the spiritual battle.你赐给教会祷告的权柄,可以践踏仇敌和蝎子,在地上所捆绑的,在天上也要捆绑;在地上所释放的,在天上也要释放。仇敌虽然猖獗,但牠终究是失败者,神才是永远的得胜,永远的荣耀。You have given the church the authority to pray, to trample on enemies and scorpions. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Though the enemy may rage, it is ultimately defeated. God is the eternal victor and the everlasting glory. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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