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【徒10:34-35】34彼得就开口说:“我真看出神是不偏待人。35原来各国中,那敬畏主、行义的人都为主所悦纳。【Acts10:34-35】34Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.

发表于 2024-05-28

彼得说,神不偏待人,在各国之中,凡事敬畏主,行义路的人都为主所悦纳。Peter said that God does not show favoritism, but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.神藉着爱子耶稣基督,在十字架上成就了救恩,将真道传给了以色列,又赐人智慧,权柄和能力,且向他预先所拣选的人显现。God accomplished salvation through His beloved Son, Jesus Christ, on the cross, delivering the truth to Israel. He bestowed wisdom, authority, and power upon people and revealed Himself to those He had chosen beforehand.他们是蒙神恩召,特为主作见证的人,使福音在耶稣基督升天之后,由门徒和其他犹太信徒传向万邦。They are individuals called by God's grace specifically to bear witness to the Lord. After Jesus Christ's ascension, the disciples and other Jewish believers spread the Gospel to all nations.


彼得到了哥尼流家里,就向他们传讲耶稣基督。神并不偏待人,福音给犹太人,也给外邦人。When Peter arrived at Cornelius's house, he preached about Jesus Christ to them. God does not show favoritism; the Gospel is for both Jews and Gentiles.凡信耶稣基督的,必因他的名得蒙赦罪,无论什么人,不分高低贵贱,不分种族地位,只要相信耶稣,就能罪得赦免。Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ will be forgiven in His name, regardless of who they are, their status, race, or position. As long as they believe in Jesus, their sins will be forgiven.神将福音带到哥尼流家里,也赐给他们圣灵,他们一家人也奉主的名受了洗。God brought the Gospel to Cornelius's house and also gave them the Holy Spirit. Cornelius's entire household was baptised in the Lord's name.


神爱世人,甚至将他的独生爱子赐给我们,叫一切信他的不至灭亡,反得永生。For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Himshall not perish but have eternal life.何等不配,就因为这份舍己、无条件的爱,我们得了这宝贵的救恩,让绝望中的人有了新的盼望。How unworthy we are, yet because of this self-sacrificing and unconditional love, we have received this precious salvation, giving new hope to those in despair.我们不再是孤儿,我们是有父的,任何时候,只要靠着耶稣基督来到神面前他都可以拯救到底,脱离自怜自爱,被拒绝伤害,不饶恕仇恨,We are no longer orphans; we have a Father. At any time, if we come before God through Jesus Christ, He can save us completely, delivering us from self-pity, self-love, rejection, hurt, unforgiveness, and hatred.因信,接受你的医治和救赎,因信,就有复活的盼望。By faith, we accept His healing and redemption; by faith, we have the hope of resurrection.


主啊,感谢你无比牺牲大爱,不偏待人,人种什么就收什么,Lord, thank You for Your immeasurable sacrificial love and impartiality. A man reaps what he sows.当那人愿意倾倒一切只为爱你,浸泡在你的爱里,不爱自己,行义,敬畏主,尊主为大,背起自己的十字架,以丧己来讨你的喜悦,你是知道的,When someone is willing to pour out everything solely to love You, immersing themselves in Your love, not loving themselves, doing what is right, fearing the Lord, honoring Your above all, and taking up their cross to please You by denying themselves, You know it.你是公平公义的神,爱你的你就爱他,并向他显现,这人的生命每天活得何等精彩,荣神益人,让基督得着荣耀和喜乐。You are a fair and righteous God. Those who love You, You love them in return, and You reveal Yourself to them. Such a person's life is lived with remarkable purposeevery day, glorifying God and benefiting others, bringing glory and joy to Christ. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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