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【徒8:32】他所念的那段经,说:“他像羊被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊羔在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。【Acts 8:32】This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading:“He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”

发表于 2024-05-26

读经的是位埃塞俄比亚太监,念的是以赛亚书里面为耶稣作见证的经文,正在读不懂的时候,圣灵吩咐腓利去解释给他听…圣灵怎么知道太监在读这段经文呢?The Ethiopian eunuch was reading the scriptures, specifically from the book of Isaiah, which bears witness to Jesus. As he struggled to understand the passage, the Holy Spirit commanded Philip to approach and explain it to him. How did the Holy Spirit know that the eunuch was reading this particular scripture?原来神是鉴察人心的,时时都在遍地寻找失丧的灵魂,感动他们,看有没有被祂的大爱触摸到,愿意来寻求祂的?若有人愿意寻求祂,祂就要不惜一切代价拯救他…Well, God searches hearts, constantly seeking lost souls across the earth, moving them, seeing if they're touched by His great love, willing to seek Him. And if someone desires to seek Him, He'll spare no cost to save that soul.圣灵知道太监的心渴慕神,从几千里外的非洲埃塞俄比亚去到耶路撒冷敬拜神…于是特差派腓利亲自去跟他讲解耶稣,神的儿子为拯救世人,甘愿代替我们受刑罚,被钉上十字架,做被宰杀的羔羊…The Holy Spirit knew the eunuch's longing for God, for he had journeyed thousands of miles from Ethiopia in Africa to Jerusalem to worship the Lord. Thus, the Spirit specifically dispatched Philip to personally explain to him about Jesus, the Son of God, who came to save mankind. Jesus willingly took our punishment, was nailed to the cross, and became the sacrificial Lamb who was slain. 太监立时被耶稣舍命大爱感动,对腓利说,‘我信耶稣基督是神的儿子‘,立刻要求受洗归主…哇,何等感人的场面?The eunuch, moved by Jesus' sacrificial love, and said to Philip, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." He then promptly asked to be baptised into the Lord. Oh, what a touching and powerful scene!

主啊,我再次被你的大爱感动,你不光为我们舍命,还在天上为地上的灵魂,日夜不停地代祷,圣灵也在各地不停的做工,不断的差人传福音…Oh Lord, once again I'm touched by Your great love. Not only did You lay down Your life for us, but You intercede in heaven day and night for souls on earth. The Spirit tirelessly works everywhere, continuously sending messengers to spread the Gospel.我愿意被你差派,被圣灵充满,预备自己,日夜思想耶稣基督并祂钉十字架的真理,愿耶稣的大爱感动我、激励我,摆上自己,更多的为灵魂祷告。I'm willing to be sent by You, filled with the Holy Spirit. I prepare myself by meditating day and night on the truth of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. May the great love of Jesus move and inspire me, that I may offer myself and pray more fervently for souls.让圣灵行在我前面,像圣灵带领腓利那样,我愿意随时听从圣灵的吩咐,顺服圣灵的感动,去做圣灵吩咐我做的工,跟圣灵同工为耶稣作见证,天天看见神的大能和荣耀,为神的救恩,心里不停的赞美神… Let the Holy Spirit go before me, just as He led Philip. I am willing to heed the Holy Spirit's instructions at all times, to obey His promptings, and to do the work He calls me to do. May I work in harmony with the Holy Spirit to bear witness to Jesus, witnessing daily the mighty power and glory of God. For His salvation, my heart will continually praise the Lord. (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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