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【徒8: 32】他所念的那段经,说:“他像羊被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊羔在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。”【Acts8: 32】This is the passage of Scripture the eunuch was reading: “He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

发表于 2024-05-25

福音从耶路撒冷向外传播到撒玛利亚以后,神又引领腓利向南去到迦萨传道,After the gospel spread from Jerusalem to Samaria, God led Philip to go south to Gaza to preach.在旷野之处遇见了这位埃塞俄比亚的太监,因他渴慕真道,跋山涉水去耶路撒冷礼拜(太监是不能到圣殿礼拜(申23:1),In the desert road, he encountered an Ethiopian eunuch who, in his earnest desire for the truth, had traveled a long distance to Jerusalem to worship (eunuchs were not allowed to worship in the temple according to Deuteronomy 23:1).因他守神诫命,神必赐他们永远的名,不能减除(赛56:3-5),Because he obeyed God's commandments, God promised to give them an everlasting name that would not be cut off (Isaiah 56:3-5).神特定为他差遣了腓利,为其讲解真理并受洗,他欢喜领受,福音也传开了。God specifically sent Philip to explain the truth to him and to baptize him. The eunuch received the message rejoicing, and the gospel spread further.


先知预言耶稣为救罪人要做代罪的羔羊,他道成肉身,降卑来到地上,The prophet foretold that Jesus would be the sacrificial lamb to save sinners. The Word became flesh, humbling Himself to come to earth.为全人类的罪,受尽苦痛,被羞辱、拒绝、践踏、鞭打、刑罚……从头到脚没有一处是完全的,For the sins of all humanity, He endured immense suffering, humiliation, rejection, scorn, flogging, and punishment. From head to toe, there was not a single part of Him left unscathed.他像羊被牵到宰杀之地,又像羊羔在剪毛的人手下无声,他也是这样不开口。He was led like a sheep to the slaughter, and as a lamb before its shearer is silent, so He did not open His mouth.谦卑的主为父的旨意成就,为爱舍了自己,默默无声,全然顺服至死,且死在十字架上,成了。The humble Lord fulfilled the Father’s will, giving Himself out of love, silently and completely obedient unto death, even death on a cross. It was finished.


我的主因爱承担了我本该受的,为我做了榜样,谦卑到底,不开口,把爱活在伤口,为仇敌舍命代求。My Lord bore the punishment I deserved out of love and set an example for me. He was humble to the end, silent, and living out His love through His wounds, interceding for His enemies.一粒死了麦子如今结出许多的果子来,把福音传遍地极,使无数个像古实太监一样的人藉着他的死得到救赎,使绝望的心重新看到了生命的希望,从灭亡之路走向了永生之路。A grain of wheat that dies now produces many seeds. The gospel has spread to the ends of the earth, enabling countless individuals, like the Ethiopian eunuch, to receive redemption through His death. Despairing hearts have found hope for life and have turned from the path of destruction to the path of eternal life.


主啊,我蒙召原是成为你的真门徒,效仿主的谦卑,默默无声,丧己,不开口,Lord, I am called to be Your true disciple, to emulate Your humility, to be silent and self-denying, not opening my mouth.向一切的骄傲、不能被冒犯、讲理由对错、自高自大、委屈是死的,向真理是活的,I die to all pride, to being unoffendable, to arguing about right and wrong, to self-exaltation, and to feelings of grievance. I live to the truth.把伸冤的主权交给按公义审判人的神,单单行义,敬畏神,讨神的喜悦 I surrender the right of vengeance to God who judges righteously and focus solely on doing what is right, fearing God, and seeking to please Him.因基督为我们受过苦,留下榜样,叫我们跟随你的脚踪行。我宣告:我与你一同受苦就一同得荣耀,与你同死必与他同复活。Because Christ suffered for us, leaving an example for us to follow in His steps, I declare: if I suffer with You, I will also be glorified with You; if I die with You, I will also be resurrected with You. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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