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【徒8:4】那些分散的人往各处去传道。【Acts 8:4】Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

发表于 2024-05-24

在使徒行传一开始,主耶稣已经指示门徒,当圣灵降临在他们身上,他们就必得着能力;并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地和撒玛利亚,直到地极,作耶稣的见证。In the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus had already instructed His disciples that when the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would receive power; and they were to be witnesses for Jesus in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. 这能力不仅能行神迹,而且能爱仇敌,胜过逼迫…门徒带着神的爱欢欢喜喜地被散开,去各地传福音。This power not only enabled them to perform miracles but also to love their enemies, to overcome persecution... The disciples, filled with God's love, joyfully dispersed, spreading the gospel to various places.


主啊,照着你的话,福音的种子就从耶路撒冷撒向外邦…司提反被害,逼迫不但没有熄灭复兴之火,反而让门徒散开,促成星星之火,烧向全地,无人能阻挡之势…Lord, according to Your word, the seed of the gospel was sown from Jerusalem to the Gentiles... Stephen was martyred, yet persecution did not extinguish the fire of revival; instead, it caused the disciples to scatter, igniting sparks that spread throughout the earth, unstoppable by anyone...不仅福音被传开,门徒的爱心和信心,生命也在试炼中大大成熟起来,各地的教会被迅速建立,你的旨意何等美好…主啊,你谦卑虚己,隐藏自己的荣耀权柄,埋没自己在尘土般的世人中间,顺服至死,如同一粒麦子落在地里死了…Not only was the gospel spread, but also the disciples’ love, faith and their lives greatly matured through trials. Churches were quickly established in various places. Your will is so beautiful... Lord, You humbled Yourself, concealing Your glory and authority, immersed Yourself among the dust-like mortals, obedient unto death,like a grain of wheat falling to the ground and dying...在你如此卑微的生命里,蕴藏着何等的智慧和大能?从古到今,世上无数英雄的光芒,都只是昙花一现…惟有你,拿撒勒的木匠,没有佳形美容、没钱、没地位,世人尊贵的你都没有,却引来无数门徒不怕流血,不惧死亡,一代又一代,前仆后继地爱你、跟随你,传播你,直到永远…In Your humble life, what great wisdom and power were hidden? From ancient times to the present, the brilliance of countless heroes in the world has been merely fleeting... Only you, Jesus of Nazareth, a carpenter without beauty or majesty, without money, without status, lacking all the worldly honours, yet You attracted countless disciples who were not afraid of shedding blood, not afraid of death, generation after generation, loving You, following You and spreading Your message, forever...


主啊,我们都尝过你舍命大爱的滋味,我们深知在任何患难、逼迫、危险、刀剑试炼中,你都与我们同在,谁都不能让我们与你的爱隔绝…Lord, we have all tasted the sweetness of Your sacrificial love. We deeply understand that in any tribulation, persecution, danger, or trial by the sword, You are with us, and no one can separate us from Your love...已有彩云一般多见证说,靠着主耶稣羔羊的血,和自己跟随耶稣所行过的道,他们已经胜过仇敌,撒旦用死亡也不能吓倒他们…There is a multitude of witnesses, like clouds, who have testified that by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus, and by following the path He walked, they have overcome the enemy, and even death used by Satan cannot intimidate them...主啊,你那一粒麦子的生命现在就住在我们里面,求你照着我们的信心和你的计划,赐给我们受逼迫的环境,也训练我们的信心爱心在百般试炼中成长,无论散我到哪里,都能落到地里,死己…去做生命的种子,结出你生命的籽粒…Lord, the life of that grain of wheat now dwells within us. We pray that, according to our faith and Your plan, You grant us environments of persecution, and also train our faith and love to grow throughvarious trials. Wherever we are scattered, may we fall to the ground and die to self...becoming seeds of life, bearing the fruit of Your life... (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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