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【徒8: 4】那些分散的人往各处去传道。【Acts8: 4】Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.

发表于 2024-05-22

司提反为福音勇敢传讲真理,引起公愤,众人对他极其恼怒,咬牙切齿,司提反受害以后,教会就大遭逼迫。Stephen courageously preached the truth of the Gospel, which caused great anger among the people. They were furious and gnashed their teeth at him. After Stephen was martyred, the church faced severe persecution.撒旦的势力更是猛烈,然而,神的意念高过人的意念,神的道路高过人的道路。神借着逼迫反而成就了祂奇妙的旨意和恩典。Satan's forces grew even stronger; however, God's thoughts are higher than human thoughts, and His ways than human ways.Through persecution, God accomplished His marvelous will and grace.在恶劣的环境下,门徒们不仅没有自保躲起来,反而有更多的司提反站出来,那些分散的人往各处去传道。In adverse circumstances, the disciples did not hide to protect themselves. Instead, more Stephens stood up, and those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.


圣灵降临在他们身上他们必得着能力,胜过一切仇敌的能力,他们不畏惧生死,不以自己的性命为宝贵,When the Holy Spirit came upon them, they received power to overcome all their enemies' forces. They did not fear life or death, nor did they consider their lives precious.他们只有一个目的就是在活着的日子竭力为主传道,轻看至暂至轻的苦楚,为神得荣耀而战,They had only one purpose: to strive to preach for the Lord while they were alive, the momentary and light afflictions, fighting to glorify God.神透过许可的苦难让门徒分散到各处去传道,叫福音更快的得到广传;并且奇妙的成就了祂的命令:耶稣曾吩咐他们要把见证传到地极。Through permitted suffering, God spread the disciples to preach everywhere, enabling the Gospel to be spread more rapidly. Amazingly, this fulfilled His command: Jesus had instructed them to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth.


患难是恩典,苦难是祝福,苦难是化了妆的祝福,这是神的智慧,人的忿怒,要成全神的荣美。Tribulation is grace; suffering is a blessing. Suffering is a blessing in disguise. This is God's wisdom. God’s wrath against mankind brings God praise.司提反的殉道,教会大遭逼迫,信徒们被追杀,看似被黑暗笼罩,若没有神的许可,这事必不会发生,Stephen's martyrdom led to severe persecution of the church, with believers being hunted down. It seemed as though darkness had overshadowed them. If it were not permitted by God, this would not have happened.神既许可这事发生,必是有他美好的心意在其中,因他深知他所赐的是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,是要我们末后有指望。Since God permitted it, He must have had a beautiful intention, for He knows the plans He has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.


神借着司提反这一粒落在地里死了的麦子,结出许多的果实,你的名得了荣耀。主啊,我心坚定于你,你的救恩是我永远的盼望。Through Stephen, a grain of wheat that fell to the ground and died, God produced many fruits, to glorify His name. Lord, my heart is steadfast in You; Your salvation is my eternal hope.你爱我们,把我们带入水火,是为把我们带入丰富之地。You love us and lead us through fire and water to bring us to a place of abundance.亲爱的父,赐我勇敢的心一无畏惧,我愿意为你而去,把我的生命献给你,在患难中我们也要欢欢喜喜为主传道,因你应许:行完了神的旨意,就可以得着所应许的。Dear Father, grant me a courageous, fearless and bold heart. I am willing to go for You, and offer my life to You. Even in tribulation, we will rejoice as we preach the gospel for the Lord, for You promises that after we have done the will of God, we will receive what You have promised. (郭姊妹Sister Guo)


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